Did I ruin my first batch?

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Mar 4, 2012
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Hi all, I took the plunge into wine making this weekend. I bought a Grand Cru, Malbec wine kit and followed instructions to a tee...I thought.

After starting the fermenting process it dawned to me that I did not use santizer on the bowl that I presoaked my Oak chip infusion bag in.

My question is, what are the chances that I ruined my first attempt and what is the result of this... bad taste or potentially make sick?

If the bowl was clean, there is little chance of a problem. The enemy is mold and bacteria and both need an organic substance on which to grow. If you took the bowl out of the dishwasher or cabinet, chances are it was fine.
:) should be ok, I've done it before to... I just kept going figured it wuddnt kill me... LOL!

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