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Senior Member
May 3, 2005
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I just mixed up a batch of cherry/pom from Knudsen all natural juices.

I added sugar to 1.100 but surprized at how tart the must is as was the taste of both juices. I have a starter going of 71b-1122 to add tomorrow.

Just wondering how the natural tartness of the juice effects the finished wine. Similar to cranberry juice in flavor.

Ramona It is a beautiful garnet color and juice ratio is 3:2

This is a 5 gallon batch? If after fermenting it out you want to reduce the acidic taste you can either cold stabilize or do a MLF or both.

It is only a one gallon batch (the pomegranate is very expensive).

I'll get back as it goes along.

No, I used the Knudsen pure juices from the healthfood section of Kroger. It's pretty expensive though, about 7.00$ per quart. It started fermenting about 4 hours after I added the starter. I'm anxious myself to try that one. I think it may need to be sweetened up more than the others due to the tartness.


Here is a link to a concentrate site that I use. They have both cherry and pom as well as some others.The reconstitute ratio is1 pint per gallon. Price per pintfor the cherry is $7.95 and $11.95 for the pom. They do have larger quantities available. I've tried the cherry and raspberry and both are very good.I'm currently making 6 gallons of the concord concentrate.

Forgot to mention that the concentratescontain no sulfites orpreservatives,and are all natural.
Thanks for the link...I've been looking for something like this for some time. My brother and I suffer from Gout. The tart cherry concentrate is something I wanted to try. This is packaged very well. I may just have to make some wine out of it too!


Thank you, Pat

I'm still learning so I've been keeping my experiments to 1 gallon batches so far. I appreciate the link and I'll check it out. I find that the wines from scratch are exciting because you never know how they will come out!!!

So far mine have been really pretty good!!


If you try any wine with these, let us know how they come out. I used the raspberry and cherry as sweetners for wines I made from Oregon canned fruit. The flavor is intense, but it clouds the wine. I've got 3 gallon of cherry wine almost finished. I'll sweeten with the concentrate and use the KC finings Masta recommended and see how that works out. The concentrate turned a mediocre wine into a very nice wine.
