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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2006
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I started this hobby after Christmas last year. I just opened my first bottle from my first batch, a Stag's Leap Merlot, after the minimum6 months of aging. I was satisfied with my effort. It is a very drinkable wine. However, I think it could be better somehow.

I'm interested in taking the next step. How can I make my wine better? How can I give it a little more depth? A little more charactor? (It sounds like I know wine and I don't, I just drink a lot). Will aging bring out more of the wines personality? Should I add more oak, acid, concentrate?

I am having fun making wine and will continue, I'm just curious about the above and I'm curious what someone that has been doing this for a while might suggest.

I'm not much on kits but maybe a better kit like the crushendo or one
of the other higher end kits. I'm not sure but I think the more you pay
for these kits the better they are(I think).
Welcome James,

The Stag's Leap Merlot is one of the best kits by Winexpert and encourage you to let it age another 6 months and then try it again and I know you will be pleased with the difference.

I have found that letting your wines breath properly before drinking really improves the wine substantially. The best way to do this is to buy a decanter and pour thewhole bottle into it then let it breath at least an hour. I normally give it a good swirl every 15-20 minutes to help aerate it.

What are the "Higher end" kits??? Elite vintners type stuff or somebody else??
You will have to wait and see if someone with more kit experience
replies and gives you some recommendations but (THE MASTA) just posted
and said that the kit you made was one of the better one but everyone
has their own taste so I'm sure youll find one that more suits your
taste. Like I said before though I hear alot of people rave over the
crushedo kit.

Welcome to the forum! Age is a winemaker's best friend. I have made many country wines, but havemade onlytwo kit wines and both were Vintner's Reserve kits (7.5 gal concentrate; low end). I made a Vieux Chateau Da Roi (Red) and a Pinot Gregio (White). The VCDR has been bottled for about 4 months now and the Pinot is still in the carboy. I can tell you that after 1 month in the bottle, I was VERY disappointed and thought, "What a waste of money!" I took a bottle a couple of weeks ago to my sister's place just to get another opinionand WOW what a difference! I'm looking forward to 1 year in the bottle!

6 more months for the Stags Leap will do wonders! That is a high end kit that will be "very, very" good when it gets some age on it.

We are glad you are here. Enjoy and good luck.
I agree. I did not notice until today that the more expensive kits (Crushendo) come with 18 liters of juice while the cheaper kits come with14 liters or even less and they all make 30 bottles. It's got to mean something.

Thanks for your response.

James: Welcome, I have to agree, let this age for a year and your opinion will really change..jh

I see you ordered a crushendo today. Be sure to read my tutorial on the Crushendo's to make the first racking go much smoother. Working with the skins can be somewhat trying. Here is the link:

How to Perform the First Racking of a Crushendo

If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to give me a call.

I always KNEW you watched over us!!!

Thanks, I will read the tutorial.

You probably noticed that I also ordered a new racking cane. This is primarily due to the fact that I have already done 1 Crushendo kit with skins. I was not prepared. The cane kept clogging even though I tried to use some type of stainer that was furnished with the kit. I had wine all over me and the basement and I ended up breaking my racking cane in a rage. It was a learning process. And, after all that, it was the best tasting wine of any kit so far right before I bottled it.

My wife and I drink a glass or two of wine every night. My brother and his wife and my Father and Mother drink wine every night. I did the math and figured I needed to keep 500 bottles of wine in stock at all times. That's a lot of kits!

Thanks for the note and I have enjoyed doing business with you.
I was lucky in that I had read all the racking horror stories on the boards before I bought my first crushendo. I followed the tutorial and it worked out great so I highly recommend that method!