Mosti Mondiale Anyone made VN Chianti?

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Senior Member
Mar 14, 2010
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I was thinking about picking up the VN Chianti while it was on sale for a quick drinker mainly to keep my hands out of the kits that are bottle aging.

I like Chianti so that's not an issue. I am looking for a versatile red wine to go with all types of foods because we like to cook a lot. Has anyone made this kit and have any thoughts? Is there a VN red that you would recommend over the Chianti or is there a VN red that really impressed you that you made? Thanks for your help!
I would highly reccomend the VN Sangiovese....I added 2 lbs of raisins and oaked it a bit......came out great so far. Will continue to get better too.

just my two cents..
I hope you plan to bottle in these.

I don't know if George sells them but they are available out there. If I ever do a Chianti I won't be able to pass them up. They are called Fiasco for obvious reasons, the bottoms are actually round.