how can i keep the slurry on the bottom of my fermenter and use it for the next batch?? freeze or fridge orother. man, who can afford to make a home brew at $18.50 for a can of "Cerveza" type malt and light malt at $4.50 a pound and yeast at $2.85 a pack. i think i might as well poison myself and sell my soul to the infinite evil one and buy some busch lite for 30 cans at $14.00. sure it's crappy, but at least i don't have to sell a kidney to afford it. oh my god!any advice appreciated!Edited by: SB Ranch
how can i keep the slurry on the bottom of my fermenter and use it for the next batch?? freeze or fridge orother. man, who can afford to make a home brew at $18.50 for a can of "Cerveza" type malt and light malt at $4.50 a pound and yeast at $2.85 a pack. i think i might as well poison myself and sell my soul to the infinite evil one and buy some busch lite for 30 cans at $14.00. sure it's crappy, but at least i don't have to sell a kidney to afford it. oh my god!any advice appreciated!Edited by: SB Ranch