$2.85 for a pack of yeast

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Feb 13, 2007
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how can i keep the slurry on the bottom of my fermenter and use it for the next batch?? freeze or fridge orother. man, who can afford to make a home brew at $18.50 for a can of "Cerveza" type malt and light malt at $4.50 a pound and yeast at $2.85 a pack. i think i might as well poison myself and sell my soul to the infinite evil one and buy some busch lite for 30 cans at $14.00. sure it's crappy, but at least i don't have to sell a kidney to afford it. oh my god!any advice appreciated!Edited by: SB Ranch
yeast cakes can be kept in the fridge for up to 4 or 5 months in a jar with a small hole to allow out-gassing. Just bring back up to temp, and create a starter with it. Careful using yeast after 3 or 4 go-arounds though, as it can mutate and create off flavors.

Perhaps some kind of mutated yeast is what caused the beer picture in your avatar? That would be some happy yeast. :p

- Jim
I can easilyafford it. But I don't homebrew to save money. I brew because I want to and love to. BTW I use a lot if liquid yeasts that cost close to $8.00 a vial and I use two per batch if I don't have a starter. But yes, you can save a yeast cake but I would only save one if you used a quality liquid yeast to start with. I don't have time to explain the process right now as I am getting ready to head to work. If I can remember, I will come back and explain how it works.
I buy White Labs or Wyeast liquid yeast and pay $7-$8 a vial. I always save the slurry--I just pour it up in a sanitized mason jar with either a loosely fitting lid or rubber stopper/airlock and store in fridge. Then I make a starter before reusing it. I usually get about 6 uses out of a vial.

I don't make beer to save money and you can buy some domestic beer cheaper (some not--around here Michelob sells for $10 twelve-pack). Keep in mind you're making about 50 bottles of beerfor 5 gallon batch or 60 bottles for six-gallon batch, though.I don't likeBusch or even "better" domestics like michelob. I'm looking to make a better brew than that and I enjoy doing it.I prefer the microbrews and imported beers which sell for around $8 a sixpack here. I can definitely beat that price and have beer similar in quality.