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  1. C

    Gran Cru Kit

    Not sure if this is the best place to post this but here goes. So my wife wanted a Reisling kit, and I picked up a Gran Cru Reisling 28 day kit. We followed the kit directions very well. The directions stated that the wine needed to age for at least 2-3 months. So being a little eager because...
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    1st Pee off an going

    1st Pee off and going I finally did it, I started my first Skeeter Pee. I TRIED to follow the recipe to a "T", but some how I still think I messed up a little. I do think I will be ok. So I was adding water to bring it up to the 5.5 gallon mark and I got a little more. It was closer to 5 3/4. I...
  3. C

    Wanting to start first SP

    Ok I just split up my Muscadine wine into a 3 gallon and 2 one gallon carborys so I have a six gallon empty now. Will the six gallon be to large? Can I jsut add a little to the recipe or will this be too hard? I have the slurry from my muscadine wine in the fridge ready just need to let it warm...
  4. C

    Wine labels

    Hello all, I was wondering if there was a place online you could go up and design your own labels and heve them shipped to you or print them. I am looking to not spend too much on them. Any suggestions?
  5. C

    My first blend

    Ok this one is a two parter. My wife wants to make a good Pinot Grigio. I have read some of the threads on the Grand Cru, but wanted suggestions from others. The other part is that I wanted to take about half of the almost finished Pinot Grigio and add some blueberry flavoring. I might be...
  6. C

    Suggestions for Pinot Grigio kit

    My wife is wanting a Pinot Grigio kit. I have read some of the threads on the Grand Cru, but was checking to see if anyone else has done any different kits and what they might prefer.
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    First batch going strong

    Hello all, I am a few days into my first batch of real fruit wine. I used about 40#s of muscadines. The recipe advised reacing a SG of 1.090 or higher. My starting SG was 1.030. Based on winecalc, I added a gallon of water and 10#s of sugar and bringing my SG up to 1.10. On Monday 9/6 I added...
  8. C

    acid too low

    My acid is too low in must. Stores are closed today so I cant pick up any citric acid, but I will be ready to pitch yeast tonight. Would it be ok if I added acid to must after adding the yeast or will that just screw things up?
  9. C

    Is everything ok with my wine?

    Today is the first day for making my first batch of wine from real grapes. I crushed about 40lbs of muscadines. I do not have a press so it was a little more work. It yielded about 2.5 gallons of juice. While following my recipe, I added 5 crushed and dissolved Campden tablets in luke warm...
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    Free buckets!!

    I know there is a similar thread started but I have an additional question and did not want to but in. I picked up some FREE bucket/containers from Sams Club yesterday. They are 5 gallon #2 HDPE food grade, and 2.5 gallon #5 PP food grade. I assume they are food grade as they came from the...
  11. C

    Might be a dumb ?

    This might be a dumb question but I just want to make sure I get as much right as I can. I will be crushing grapes soon. The directions call for adding a little over a gallon of water to the juice. Is it a needed to use some type of bottled water (spring, distilled, or similar)? Or can you just...
  12. C

    Washing Muscadines

    Hello all, I just picked up about 45lbs of assorted muscadines from local vineyard. I plan on freezing them to use in about two weeks. My question is should I wash them prior to freezing them? I do not believe they are organic but not really sure.
  13. C

    Crushing Muscadines

    I am looking to make my first batch of wine from real grapes and not a kit with bag of juice. I have heard that without a crusher or press (dont really know the difference between the two anyways :) ) muscadines can be a little bit of work. Does anyone have any tips of suggestions on doing this...
  14. C

    Muscadine wine recipe

    Hello all, I just finished up my first batch of wine and I am looking for a good recipe for some muscadine wine. I guess a normal 5 gallon recipe would work, I have the equipment for it. I have seen some on the internet, but I was trying to get some opinions. Thanks all
  15. C

    New to wine making

    Ok, here goes. My wife has gotten me hooked on drinking wine, in fact, I have had very few beers or other drinks since. We are more of white wine drinkers and have not found a red wine we really like. We usually choose a Riesling or Pinot Grigio. I bought my wife a starter wine making kit from...