What's for Dinner?

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LOL I should have said first brisket on this new ceramic pit I got a few months ago. Before this I was using one of the offset firebox smokers that I got around 15 years ago. It has served me well. I always seemed to struggle with the old pit when it got to ~160F but today with this new Kamado styled pit. I easily hit 165 in 6 hours at 300F and I just employed my usual "Texas Crutch" and it has already zoomed up to 190 currently. Gonna let the fire settle back down to ~250F and get my ribs going. Should be seeing 200F on the Brisket in an hour or so at this rate. Its staying nice and moist with the pan of water underneath and spritzing with some apple juice every now and then.
Very simple meal. Chicken that uses a bbq sauce that my Mom was given when she was in the AF at Lackland AFB in San Antonio (In the mid 1950's). She met my Dad at Penn in Philadelphia and they were both stationed in Texas at the same time. Then 1 + 1 became 6 so I'm glad they were both there at the same time, since I was one of the six. Oh, the chicken tastes good too.

After yesterdays all day smoke today it was a little more relaxed. I took the left over brisket and added a 16oz PBR and my favorite sause (Rudy's) and crock potted on low for 6 hours and then shredded. Easy to take to a cookout that way and oh so good. Also took our favorite killer Summer cook out salad. Watermelon, mint and feta. This is an out of this world pairing if you have not tried it. :hug


Leftover night, except for Dad. Bought some cheap frozen cod and planned on a few fish tacos, but realized I didn't have any tomatoes or fresh cilantro at home, so spiced and grilled the fish and made some quesadillas. Spice was simple, cumin, thai fried garlic, oregano, salt and freshly ground pepper. Had a nice bite to it, so I used leftover mozzarella cheese from pizza night last week. Also had "on sale" spinach flour tortillas to wrap it all up. Tried one with taco sauce, the other with tartar sauce as a dip. Toss up, both were equally tasty.

Chicken and salmon with a honey/soy/ginger store bought glaze that I added a touch of sesame oil to. Salmon was done on cedar plank. Rice tossed with a little Tamari and fresh parsley. Note: no vegetables were harmed in the preparation or consumption of this meal.




Smoked turkey vs deep fried chicken

Today I have a 20lb turkey that I spatchcocked and is now sitting on the WSB with apple and cherry wood.
Rubbed with salt rosemary sage parsley and thyme ( are you going)?:h
As well as some other savory spices.

Today I have a 20lb turkey that I spatchcocked and is now sitting on the WSB with apple and cherry wood.

Rubbed with salt rosemary sage parsley and thyme ( are you going)?:h

As well as some other savory spices.

Cranberry sauce? Last I checked Turkey was reserved for November... :D
Bacon Wrapped Grilled Pork Tenderloin stuffed with fig and bleu cheese............ :hug
