multiplying a receipe

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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
I turned a 1gallon receipe into a 5 gallon receipe.

I multiplied all the fruits and juices by 5 and followed the direction on the packages for the chemicals.

The receipe calls for a 1 month secondary fermentation, racking and 3 month clarification then bottleing and let rest for a year...

my density was right on par (1.092)

Here's my question:
do I change the time of fermaentation-clarification or do they stay the same?

Thanks for your input!
With regards to fermentation. It would just stay the same. As long as you have the right formula for the chemicals. You just have the same come up with your 1 gallon recipe.
You didn't mention it in your post, but the one item you don't need to increase volume when going from 1 gallon to 5 is the yeast. Most packets of wine yeast are good for any wine volume 1 to 6 gallons.
Don't forget to check the Recipe section of this forum and also Jack Keller's site, which contains a lot of recipes. You may find the 5 gal recipe there.