First batch finishing

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Feb 1, 2012
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Its about done fermenting, almost no bubbles and the SG is 1 or less. Anyway Im going to go ahead and stop it. I tasted some of it awhile ago and it was pretty terrible, my wife did as well and said that it tasted like yeast. I realize it JUST finished fermenting/still is allittle but it brought up an issue. Im guessing once i stop fermentation the yeast will settle and clear on its own, but that is just my guess and I want to make sure i dont need to do something complicated. My main question is how to make my wine not taste like pure yeast just incase stopping fermentation doesnt clear this up...

Details please. How long has the sg been constant?

It sure sounds like you are rushing to bottle some wine or other. You would be much better served being patient.

5 gallons of wine made with 5 gallons of apple juice with wine yeast. The SG is below 1 and there are little bubbles to none. Yes I am rushing it and i know that will affect the quality but its my first batch and I have friends coming over this weekend. Im saving all my patience for the next batchs lol. Im going to add the potass sorbate after I rack and just wondering how to get that terrible yeast taste or as much of it out as possible in the next 4 days. Shame on me I know....
5 gallons of wine made with 5 gallons of apple juice with wine yeast. The SG is below 1 and there are little bubbles to none. Yes I am rushing it and i know that will affect the quality but its my first batch and I have friends coming over this weekend. Im saving all my patience for the next batchs lol. Im going to add the potass sorbate after I rack and just wondering how to get that terrible yeast taste or as much of it out as possible in the next 4 days. Shame on me I know....
Stir gently and for a long time. Go back-and-forth more than side-to-side. Get all the CO2 out.

When you add the potassium sorbate, add potassium metabisulphite (aka K-meta or campden) as well.

Good luck.

thanks! why add the extra though?
Extra? Extra K-meta? What K-meta did you add already? Please ask questions that include all relevant details.

Here is how K-meta is used in wine-making.

K-meta added prior to the yeast is to shock any wild yeasts present. Then when the wine yeast is pitched, it can get going without the wild yeast interfering.

K-meta is added after fermentation as part of the stabilization process. Again the K-meta stuns the now weakened (because it's got no food) wine yeast, and the K-sorbate acts as birth control for the yeast stopping it from reproducing and getting going again.

K-meta post fermentation is also an anti-oxidant helping your wine to stay fresh and tasting good. Perhaps not necessary in this situation.

A stronger K-meta solution is used as a sanitizer.

extra substance, left out a word there. I just didnt know what it was used for.
You'll never be able to drink this NOW. Apple takes at least 1 year of aging. You can't ferment today and drink tomorrow!!

I could say more about your procedure on this, but it would only sound snarky.
There's no way you're going to clear it by this weekend---let alone, drink it. I hope you're not trying to impress your friends with your wine making expertise. But good luck with it anyway. :se
If you serve THIS to them, they'll never want to taste ANYTHING, again, that you offer them--no matter how good it may be. Don't make a BAD first impression.
LOL, not trying to impress anyone just having fun. A ENTIRE year? That sounds kinda off from what I have seen on guides Ive been reading... im not trying to make super great wine here, I have already messed up this batch is just a learning experience. Its already 1/4 cleared after about a day, atleast 1/4 of the wine at the top of the bottle has cleared ALOT compared to the rest. If it turns out terrible :s my friends and I will get a laugh from how bad it is and ill let the rest sit or age. Either way it goes ill let everyone know :h
You wouldn't serve stale food to people even if you weren't trying to impress them!!!!

Believe me--go to the store and buy a great bottle of wine, to serve to them. They'll appreciate that much more.

Actually, apple wine is at its BEST when it's aged for TWO years!!

Don't serve green wine--it tastes aweful and you'll look stupid.
Without a recipe posted and full timeline, it is hard to give advice on how to attempt to fix this. After you stabilize properly you can create an fpac by taking some apple juice and simmering down to 1/2 - 1/3 original quantity. Add this back in to replace some of the flavor lost due to fermenting away the sugar. This will also serve to back sweeten the wine to something that will taste better.

Overall, even after doing the above, I wouldn't recommend serving this for a minimum of 6 months.