Can I sue?

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Just me
Oct 24, 2012
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Down South, Bubba called his attorney and asked, "Is it true they're suing the cigarette companies for causing people to get cancer?

"Yes, Bubba, sure is true." Responded the lawyer.

"And now someone is suing the fast food restaurants for making them fat and clogging their arteries with all them burgers and fries, is that true mister lawyer?"

"Sure is Bubba. But why you asking?"

"Cause what I want to know is, I was thinkin' Can I sue Budwiser for all the ugly women I've slept with ?"
once woke up with a girl that was so ugly i didnt want anyone to see her leaving my house...i know thats very crude , but it it is true. alcohol at 2 am does wonders for your eyes.