A different type of holiday wish

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Junior Member
Oct 1, 2012
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I am not one to broadcast my religious/spiritual beliefs, nor impose them but the message is still the same. Without creeping TOO many people with witchy stuff I would like to share with you my holiday wish for all of you.

Today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, as well as the start of the solar new year. It is also the day I am celebrating Yule, the witch's version of Christmas/New Year. Yule is celebrated to welcome back the coming of the sun as the days begin to grow longer.

So with that I am wishing you ALL a blessed new year full of new beginnings and warmth. Be good to each other and be good to yourself. Take care of one another.


Do you have a Yule Log? Just wondering how Yule is celebrated. Either way, enjoy!

Yule isn't celebrated any differently than Christmas and or new years. I mean, witchcraft is practiced differently by so many people and it will vary according to traditions and culture and persons. But Yule log is indeed burned. The correct definition of a Yule log is a log that was burned the year before, but then it is not burned completely. That log is then saved to start the fire to burn the next years Yule log. It is the light to welcome back the new light basically.

People also decorate trees with symbols of prosperity. Acorns are common because they are the seeds that will grow with the oncoming of the light. It's really no different than a Christmas tree. Matter of fact, the tradition of the Christmas tree is believed to have stemmed out of the pagan traditions many many years ago.

Witches also decorate and adorn their altars with white linens and symbols of prosperity (acorns, seeds ect) to honor the earth.

One ritual I partook in once had us think about all the bad things we wanted to get rid of that we went through in the passed year. We then took a string made of yarn and ran it across our whole body (kinda like flossing but we didn't put it in the butt crack. That's just gross.) We were told to invision the string scrapping of negetivity and sadness and hurt. We then placed the yarn in a fire to destroy it forever. You would be surprised how good it feels. After that, we got boozed up on wine.


Edit: and no one was naked! Granted people often do this kinda stuff oh natural but I am 40 lbs over weight, not too proud of the junk ma mamma gave me, and it's too cold. :dg
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For me the holidays are secular. But I do love to learn about all holiday traditions. They all have one thing in common - the desire to share love with friends and family.

I particularly like the ancient solstice traditions. The solstice represents so many things. I look forward to more sunlight each and every day from now on and the coming spring.

Happy holidays to everyone.

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