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  1. R

    Pinot Grigio Juice Bucket

    Thanks for the reply Rocky. I think I will just make it straight up!
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    Pinot Grigio Juice Bucket

    I have several kits now bulk aging, and decided to try my first juice buckets. I picked up a California Pinot Grigio from the local Vinter Supply today. It is from Luva Bella. It is pre-innoculated, but I added 116 yeast per a recommendation from the person running the operation. Does anyone...
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    Kits and yeast in the kit

    Good information everyone, thanks for the replies.
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    Kits and yeast in the kit

    Curiously, on many occasions, people on WMT seem excited when a kit is opened and the yeast is RC212 instead of EC1118. I am not sure what the exact differences are between the yeasts, but based on the cost of a yeast packet (less than $1), why wouldn't they just buy and use RC if that is their...
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    star san

    I have been using Star San for years in multiple hobbies, never had an issue, infection, or rotten egg smell. Strange issue you are having. Definitely not normal for Star San.
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    RJ Spagnols RJ Woodbridge Cab question

    Now that I am kicking back enjoying some of my distillate with a vacation day tomorrow :), I am wondering if I should have skipped adding clearing agents because of the plan to bulk age :slp Anyway, do I need to rack again now in the next couple weeks prior to letting it bulk age? Sorry for...
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    Father's day plans

    Taking mine downtown for lunch, drinks, and the Detroit Tigers game. Scored some great seats from work.
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    RJ Spagnols RJ Woodbridge Cab question

    I plan to bulk age about 6 months, and bottle age a year, before even a sip! Thanks for the replies.
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    RJ Spagnols RJ Woodbridge Cab question

    I just racked for a second time on day 26, adding kmeta and clearing agents per the instructions. I am not going to add the sorbate. I noticed there is a package of Metatartaric Acid, but the instructions don't mention it. Should I add it? Is it too late?
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    Toasting Oak Sticks

    Curiously, would white oak purchased rough cut from the local wood turners store work for toasting your own? Or does it have to be center cut, air dried, etc.....
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    Is there a table or something available that gives recommendations similar to what you have above? I am sure much of it is personal preference, just looking for a starting point.
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    RJ Spagnols RJ Woodbridge Cab question

    That's what I figured, easy enough! Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    RJ Spagnols RJ Woodbridge Cab question

    Was able to do a Google search and found the answer. I wonder why they highlight days rather than focusing more on the hydrometer readings, confuses us people new to wine. In brewing, I always target readings, not days.
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    RJ Spagnols RJ Woodbridge Cab question

    Why do the En Premeur instructions say to wait for day 28 before stabilizing and clearing? Doesn't that seem like a long time? If I am confident fermentation is complete should I go ahead and stabilize, or wait? SG 1.094 .999 @ the 8 day mark, moved to secondary (missed the transfer per...
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    Post a photo, any photo

    There are a bunch who do it out there. Most are good, but some are really really good.....and some have the power to make "it" move (Seinfeld reference). This is one of those. Although, maybe it's simply because it's a treat for me being from MI. Hillpeops, go to lunch....lucky dog!
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    River House, Portsmouth, NH. I think they were voted best fish chowder in the area.....and the lobster roll was great. Yummy :)
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    They were their homemade chips, such a good meal! Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
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    "Cool and dark"...what's the definition?

    What is considered reasonably constant? Would +\- 5 degrees F suffice?
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    Those of you on the east coast will recognize this! One of my favorite meals ever! Work travel can have small benefits such as this.
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    RJ Spagnols Squeezing skins and tannin detection?

    Thank you all for the replies!