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  1. P

    Using a juicer

    Kutya, how did you make your presss - I need to be pressing a small amount of grapes next month - the only press I have seen was in Eisenman's book of using an egg crate, screen, wood block and weights. Thanks
  2. P

    Pressing with rice hulls

    I have read several articles that refer to pressing with rice hulls to increase the yield. Does anyone know how this works? Thanks, Pete
  3. P

    WineXpert Primary Fermentation for Crushendo

    Thanks for your feedback - I am going to use the standard pail. I need to update my profile - I have no idea why it shows I live in Afghanistan - I live in Marietta, GA - just outside of Atlanta. Pete
  4. P

    WineXpert Primary Fermentation for Crushendo

    Both the instructions as well as George's note regarding making a crusheno kit caution to not use the standard 7.5 gallon fermentation bucket. I would prefer to not buy a new primary fermenter. I have a 2 gallon bucket I have been using for one gallon batches. Do you think it would be okay to...
  5. P

    when to filter

    My experience is limited in that I have only bottled two kits. Three weeks ago I filtered and bottled them both - though I did not filter about 5-6 bottles of each so I should be able to develop an opinion in the "to filter or not" debate in a few months. The wine I filtered was quite clear...
  6. P

    when to filter

    Thanks, it makes sense to me to filter just before bottling. In an article in wine maker one of the comments in a step-by-step direction was "Filter the wine, if desired, for a brillant appearance. Allow the wine to age for 6 months to a year before bottling." That direction made me think that...
  7. P

    when to filter

    If you intend to age wine for several months in a carboy as well as filter - would you recommend filtering prior to aging or would you filter just prior to bottling? Thanks, Pete Edited by: Pete
  8. P

    New Criteria in Selecting Wine

    Jeffpwright - thank you for the tip - I knew there had to be a better way. Pete
  9. P

    New Criteria in Selecting Wine

    I bought from George a Shiraz kit in January and a Montepulciano kit in February. I followed the directions except for bottling - rather than bottling after the 5-6 weeks - I put the Carboys in the garage. I live in Atlanta and up to this point the temperature has been accomodating -...