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DJ Steve and his wife came up north from Pittsburgh and we had a real nice visit and dinner on the lake. Awesome couple, sorry you guys are going to miss the NW PA party Saturday. His wife Marilyn shared a bottle of jalapeño wine she bought. It was awesome.

Myself with my dog Peaches and Steve in my wine making area.

My wife Sue, Steve and his wife Marilyn.
What a freaking hot day! If the heat wasnt bad enough in the shop all day ( 101 in the shop and 103 outside) after work on the way home I stopped for a fw groceries and when I went to leave my car started and then stalled. Checked the gas cap and that was fine so called the wife to come and bring my tools. Since I bought this car 1 1/2 years ago used they said they had just changed the plugs and wires. They probably did but used crappy plugs and when i pulled one out it was shot and of coarse the end of the wire was stuck on the plug. This was a tough job as the 3 plugs in the back were very hard to get t and the engine being hot on top of the nasty weather just wiped me out.Took me 50 minutes to get all the plugs and wires in but its running again and I have nothing left in me! Goodnight!!!!!!!!!!! :sl Did you ever notice your car always breaks down at the most inopportune moment!
Nice pic. Leave Tom alone, he is busy counting his wine, if you counted that many bottles you won't be able to reading everything either, :)
Looks like you had a great time. It's fun meeting and making friends, more so when they bring wine.
Who is in charge in the house,,, it can't be you with a wife and a dog?
I'm out numbered here three to one.. All three are ladies and they rule the roost. Sometimes I think it's the dog's house and the wife and I are just here to take care of them.
LOL..No comment, too many people reading this will see my wife Saturday at the get together and can get me in trouble :)

Oh Dan, I could not imagine anyone talking with your wife and getting you in trouble. :i
hummmm friends HUH? May my little fairy friend fill your air locks with dawn detergent! :tz:db:tz:db

:ot: LOL Speaking of which when I was Much younger we were off school for a snow day and went to the local Mall which had huge fast flowing fountains. WOW you should see what one bottle of Dawn dish soap did in their. There were freaking mounds of bubbles going everywhere. We never laughed so hard and got the heck out of there real quick! Was it worth the laugh..hell yeah but I'd if someone ever did that to me...curtains!:tz:db:tz
We spent the 4th at my brother in laws and he set up for the kids a huge inflatable slide with water spraying everywhere. I so wanted to add a bottle of dish detergent to the garden hose and turn it back on. There would have been tons of suds for hours.:):)
We spent the 4th at my brother in laws and he set up for the kids a huge inflatable slide with water spraying everywhere. I so wanted to add a bottle of dish detergent to the garden hose and turn it back on. There would have been tons of suds for hours.:):)

I could just imagine all the worms coming up out of the ground also. Thats what we use to do to catch them to go fishing with when I was a kid several years ago.
Now Now Julie, just because some of us made wine in those clay carboys is no reason to ridicule us.
Just paid for the aspirator/vacuum pump I won on ebay for 49.00. Did I get a deal?


gen med aspirator.jpg
hummmm friends HUH? May my little fairy friend fill your air locks with dawn detergent! :tz:db:tz:db

:ot: LOL Speaking of which when I was Much younger we were off school for a snow day and went to the local Mall which had huge fast flowing fountains. WOW you should see what one bottle of Dawn dish soap did in their. There were freaking mounds of bubbles going everywhere. We never laughed so hard and got the heck out of there real quick! Was it worth the laugh..hell yeah but I'd if someone ever did that to me...curtains!:tz:db:tz

Don't put bubble bath in a Jacuzzi tub. :cw