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Just found out we have one at work. I'll have to learn to use it.

Look at that! A 5890 Gas Chromatograph. I spent a lot of graduate school years working on one of those. They are solid workhorses. Is it hooked up to a Mass Spectrometer?
I have to check on the MS. I found out about it when they blew out the tube in it yesterday, and came asking for money to buy a replacement. Yes, it is a work horse. We use it daily to check production samples.....but it's an antique. When it shows a contamination spike, we have no idea what it is because we don't have a computerized library. We can only tell if the spike value is posted on the wall.:slp
I held several classes today on wine sensory tasting for the employees. In all, they tasted about 14 wines. They were all Niagara or Concord (except for one Tawny Port) blended with other wines and of various sugar levels. We did four different flights and each person had to chose there best/worst of each flight and explain why.

wine sensory 01.jpg

wine sensory 02.jpg
Nice pics, Dan. What is the tawny port?

It is a port made up of good quality red grapes and aged for at least several years in barrels. It can be from semi dry to sweet. It takes on an oxidized flavor and cam almost take on a Sherry flavor. The blend I made up is 19% abv. and 9% residual sugar.

We do not have this for sale at this time in bottles but will probably be selling it in June at out "Tap the Barrel" sale. I believe Bill and Phil both bought some last year if it wasn't sold out when they came in.
I tasted a wine in Bloomington, IN a couple weekends ago that was called Tawny, it was a 50/50 blend of a red and a white. The winery called it a dessert wine and I think because the ABV was 17.5%. I am going to make this but as a 13% ABV wine this spring. I need to make a run to walkers, they have the juice that I need.
Finished putting my tinker toy back together.


Still waiting for my wife to go into labor and the skittles brew to hit dry, on day 28 or so of the slow ferment. Added some heat to it a couple days ago and it seems to have sped up a bit. It was sitting at 60 now it's in the 70-73* range.

Waiting games on all fronts
Had some good news and bad news today.

The good news is that I stopped by M&M Wine today and realized what I had been missing. Wine presses, crusher destemmers, juice buckets, frozen must buckets and twice a year fresh grapes. It's literally a stones throw from my office. Not sure why I waited so long to check it out.

The bad news was we got a new server at the office today and this website is blocked because of its association with alcohol...WTF!!! I may need to start looking for a new job ;)
Had some good news and bad news today.
The bad news was we got a new server at the office today and this website is blocked because of its association with alcohol...WTF!!! I may need to start looking for a new job ;)

Good thing there is a WMT app for your phone that works great.
Too bad there's not an app yet for Windows Phone. That's the one thing I hate about my phone, severe app shortage.

My day: wake up, let hubby sleep off his hangover as long as possible, poke around on the internet, grocery run, poke around on the internet, wake up hubby, apologize for being an a-hole drunk last night while pretending to not have a bit of head-pain and making him feel like the butthole of the situation (LOL that's how I roll), cook/serve/cleanup after dinner, send hubby to work,check my wines (Dragon Blood and Island Dragon are looking close to bottling! YAY!) poke around on the internet and have some dog-hair therapy.

Obviously, I was really swamped today.
Scrubbed a label off that was soaking overnight before I left for work this morning. I do them one or two at a time as I get them that way it's not a time consuming task. :)
Day off today! Taking some banked time to stay at home and do NOTHING! Woot!

Well, there will likely be the requisite house cleaning, and carboy lurking, but other than that - NOTHING!! Mwahahahaha!!!
Think i will go fishing for about an hour see if i can catch supper.
Go mark out my garden.
Install drip system on blackberries.
THen shop for super bowl party.
Decided to be a bit more productive than yesterday. Made a few wine charms one for me with a silver tree of life and one for my husband with a little silver lion (they're sentimental icons). Made a couple of nifty cork stopper, a disco ball one and a navigator's compass I bought and installed hanging stemware racks for my kitchen, needless to say I'm happy with the space saving aspect. I bought materials and built my 1st wine rack. I'm really proud of it as it's space saving for an apartment-dweller, and 100% Chi-Pass complaint. It holds 10 bottles and cost only $12. I would have put more up but Lowe's didn't have enough supplies for me.

Think I might haul myself into the kitchen and rack my happy tush off. Blu-Pom is ready for secondary I think, and Dragon Blood and Island Dragon are ready to rack and back sweeten.

Tomorrow is groceries, more supplies, a visit to LHBS, the ingredient stock is looking kinda shabby, and perhaps starting up a few things... Not sure yet though.
