Topping off with marbles

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Dec 4, 2007
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OK so I decided to be cheap and top off my Super-Tuscan with marbles rather than a sub-standard wine. I did this at clarification time and it took 20 POUNDS of marbles! I now have the dilemma of racking off of this mess. Do you think that I can drill down with my siphon to the bottom of the marbles or should I just rack now and try to pour the balance mixed in with the marbles right away and top off with wine? I tried the wine which is only 35 days old and it is already showing some great characteristics so I don't want to screw this one up.
Your racking cane or auto siphon will work just fine. The marbles are not a solid mass...they will move easily so you can get to the bottom. Just remember that if there's any sediment, it will settle in, on, and around the marbles so you don't want to stir them.
I bought them at Hobby Lobby. They had them marked 50% off so they cost me only $1.00 for a 2 lb bag. I soaked them in a strong santiizer solution then rinsed them befor putting them in the carboy.
You can also get them in the toy aisle of your local Mega Mart store. We treat them like any other tool. Wash them the first time in B-Brite, rinse well and then sanitize. When we pour them out of the carboy, we pour them into a strainer. You may need to plug your sink drain, or at least have that drainer/strainer thingy in.
I would suggest avoiding buying marbles that are painted and coming from China due to lead in paint and potential leeching. I bought those at the $1 store and then started thinking/worrying more about it. I repurchased some glass cat-eyes and am going to throw or give away the others.
I checked my local dollar store yesterday and could only find those decorative glass rocks, you can also find them in fish stores to put in the bottom of your fish tank. Has anyone used these? They are not painted as you can see through them, even the colored ones; and they can be placed in a fish tank. But does this mean that they are safe for use in food products?

They will work fine for topping off your wines momty but I would recommend them as croutons in a salad or a subistute for fruit in my jello
I'll try to remember that warning. Thanks!
