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Just got back from the Midwest, newly supplied with bootlegged craft beers from breweries in northern Illinois and Wisconsin, and got to spend some pool time with grand-nephew Cylus James Borkhardt! (Oh yeah, the kid's middle name is MINE! LOL...)

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All of us will be home tomorrow to ride out Hermine. It's supposed to track directly over us. Schools are closed as well as most businesses. It might be a good time to work in the wine lab.
All of us will be home tomorrow to ride out Hermine. It's supposed to track directly over us. Schools are closed as well as most businesses. It might be a good time to work in the wine lab.

Keep safe. I saw some areas of FL and GA that could get up to 15+ inches of rain in a very short time.
Sounds like you have a good thing going. Do you get any wine out of this deal?
Summer monsoon storm over Shiprock, NM

I would like to be Vice President of Lasciviousness, please. I can also chair the Committee on Dipsomania.

Finally, a word I needed to look up:

dip·so·ma·ni·a /dipsəˈmānēə/
noun: alcoholism, specifically in a form characterized by intermittent bouts of craving for alcohol.

Thank you for being my @sourgrapes (Paul) replacement, at least until he gets back, whenver that only issue is what is it when you have constant bouts of craving for alchohol?