Hello from M.W. Pa.

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Senior Member
Sep 18, 2014
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I have made mead for quite a while. Being a long time Beekeeper it was a natural. A while back I began making melomen, and pyment. It only seemed a natural progression to move on to wine making, since I had the equipment, and dearly love a good wine. That is not to say I make one. I have only just begun and although I have several batches in progress. I have none complete so who knows. It may turn out I am the worst wine maker in history! In any event my passion for what I do led me to this community.
Hi Tenbears, welcome to winemakingtalk.

I believe you are just down the road from me! And I am sure you will make a very good wine, if you have been making mead, you won't have a problem making wine.
Welcome to the forum.

I get to PA maybe 8-9 times a year. Have family on my wife's side around Mansfield and Williamsport. My 2 younger brothers jointly own a hunting cabin and property in Fulton County near McConnellsburg.

Wife is talking again about leaving CT and moving near family around Mansfield. We figure same lifestyle and 4-6K more in our pockets each year.
Yes welcome Tenbears. Like the name. Reminds me of a movie I like.

Thanks All! Julie: Yes, I an very near you if my recollection of where Saxonburg is, Just below Butler? In any event I am about 25 clicks north west of Butler, In Knox.
Yes welcome Tenbears. Like the name. Reminds me of a movie I like.


Thanks, Believe it or not it is my real name. Although most know me by my middle name. I grew up in a time and place where being Native American was not fashionable.
I see! Sorry I changed it to "10" then.

In college, one of my friends was named "Eduardo Dreaming Bear." Being college students, we immediately, with his permission, renamed him "Eduardo Drinking Beer."

(Actually, I have altered his first name here to preserve a shred of anonymity, as his actual full name is googleable.)
Not a problem Paul. Funny you mention about your college friend. I had a friend who would occasionally call me Tenbeers when we were partying.
Welcome to our corner of the webisphere Tenbears,

Please keep us posted on your progress, and don't be bashful, ask any questions you might have.
