Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

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I picked up the ReaLemon juice, frozen fruit and sugar today. I'll be heading to the LHBS tomorrow or Friday so I can start a batch of this over the weekend. I could only get the strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry blend but I think it will be fine.

That's what I used too. I haven't been able to find the triple berry blend.
I had some haze in my Dargon Blood, but tossed 2 extra tsp of enzyme and it appears to be clearing and looking like everyone else's Blood. I have to stabilize and preserve and back sweeten. The initial tasting was a bit rough. What SG should I look for when backsweetening?

Like Nate said, it's to taste. I use 4 cups of sugar in six gallons. Nate uses five. If I rightly recall, I think Lon uses six cups in his original Skeeter Pee Recipe.

I haven't checked the SG after sweetening.
I was in Sam's Club the other day, getting some more triple berry blend for more Dragon Blood, when I saw they had bags of frozen Dark Sweet Cherries! So I bought two bags (six pounds) to make some cherry lemon skeeter pee. I'm going to do it just like the Dragon Blood except sub out the cherries for the berries.

Pitched the yeast (EC-1118) this morning!

Now I need a new name for the cherry lemon...:a1 Maybe I should make it obvious and call it Le Mon Cheri. :D
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Now I need a new name for the cherry lemon...:a1 Maybe I should make it obvious and call it Le Mon Cheri. :D

Haha, love the name!

I'll be very interested to see how that turns out as "fermented cherry" always means "medicine flavor" to me.
I picked up all my "stuff" from the LHBS today. I have a couple of questions before I start this tonight...

I got liquid Pectic Enzyme and Tannin. The pectic enzyme says to add 1/4tsp per 5 gal and the tannin says 1/2tsp to 1tsp per gallon. Should I be following the directions on the bottle or the recipe?

Pectic enzyme:
recipe = 3tsp
bottle = 1/4tsp+

recipe = 1tsp
bottle = 3tsp to 6tsp

I'm lost on this one.
Pitched the yeast today and it looks good!!

I picked up all my "stuff" from the LHBS today. I have a couple of questions before I start this tonight...

I got liquid Pectic Enzyme and Tannin. The pectic enzyme says to add 1/4tsp per 5 gal and the tannin says 1/2tsp to 1tsp per gallon. Should I be following the directions on the bottle or the recipe?

Pectic enzyme:
recipe = 3tsp
bottle = 1/4tsp+

recipe = 1tsp
bottle = 3tsp to 6tsp

I'm lost on this one.

Liquid enzyme and powdered enzyme do not typically use the same dosage measure for measure, at least I have not found one that does. Though the good thing is, you are safe on "over using" the pectic enzyme, it really will not hurt anything. And if you forgot to add the enzyme you really can add it anytime while your active ferment is occurring, but the sooner the better.
Soo...apparently I talk about my wine too much. I was just sifting through several flip top bottles that had been opened, sampled and set in the fridge when my 2 year old daughter came up and asked "daddy, you drinking your tinkleberries?". Tinkleberry Tea is what I call my quad berry skeeter. :pic

So yes, now I'm sitting here sipping on a glass of Tinkleberry Tea...mmmmm...:b
LOL!!!!! That's funny! I'll be starting my first batch of quad berry tomorrow. Well, since it's 2 a.m., I guess I'll be starting it today!!!!
Dave, did you pull off some of the must for the yeast starter? It doesn't look like you did. I just want to make sure.
I checked the specific gravity after I added all the ingredients up tot this point. It was only 1.071. . It should still end up about 11% ABV. I'm good with that.
Dave, did you pull off some of the must for the yeast starter? It doesn't look like you did. I just want to make sure.

Yes, it helps the yeast to acclimate. Probably not even necessary though as this is a fast fermentation (won't take nearly as long as your standard pee).
Dave, did you pull off some of the must for the yeast starter? It doesn't look like you did. I just want to make sure.

No. I always use fresh EC-1118 yeast, rehydrated according to the yeast package instructions (15 minutes in warm water), then gently stirred into the must.
Ok. Thanks. That is what I did. I just pitched it about 15 minutes ago. Can't wait to see this stuff in action!! If it tastes half as good as the berry blend, then this will be some good stuff!!