dehydrated fruits?

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Dec 4, 2010
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can you replace using fruits with dehydrated fruits. I know a place where i can get tons of berries next year for free but no real room to freeze them I do have a dehydrator was wondering if I dried the berries out if they could still be used for wine?
I don't have the answer to your question but another option is to steam juice the berries and then can the juice until you're ready.
thats not a bad idea I have been looking into getting a steam juicer. Any good suggestions for a decent steam juicer?
This is the one that I have. I have not had a chance to use it though. You can find some for less money as there are different brands. The big thing to know is get Stainless steel not aluminum. There are numerous people that use them on here and there is an recipe book floating around for it also but I cannot find it. I believe Tom has one and maybe he'll post the link for it.
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thanks 180 is a bit but not a bad investment since I can get tons of berries each year and canning the juice is not a bad idea.
Aren't dried elderberries used in a lot of wines? What about dried grapes (Raisins)? After the berries are dehydrated they would take up less space and maybe would fit in the freezer better then. I wouldn't hesitate to use them as additions to any fruit wine recipe. Go for it!