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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2008
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Has anyone seen a crossover chart to compare commercial popular wines to Winexpert kits?, or does anyone have a suggestion of a W E kit that would come very close to the Folie A Deux Winery's "Menage A' Trois" Red Wine?
---We have made 9 Island Mist kits and3 "real wine" kits, and most of our bottles have been donated by one of my fellow workers who drink --(enjoy)--quite a bit of the Red Menage A Trois, and I would like to " bring him into the fold" and convince him that he really needs to make his own version of the wine he likes in order to enjoy it more profitably.
---WADE: Still working on that Venison chop recipie for you.....
Dont know if there is an exact copy of the Menage A Trois Termini, thats a blend of Cab, Merlot and Zinfandel I believe. I did make the WE Selection Shiraz/Zin thatis purty dang good.
I might suggest the WE World Vineyards Trinity Red kit. That's a blend of three reds and is very good for a 10 liter kit.

<H3>California Trinity Red</H3>An ideal blending of three of California 's most popular grape varieties - Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot, com ing together to make a perfectly balanced, well- structured dry red wine. Notes of black cherry and coffee complement the smokey, herbal flavours, and hints of vanilla that round out this medium bodied wine , making it highly enjoyable for any occasion. Serve with a roast dinner or barbecued steak.
<H5>Bronze Award*</H5>
<DIV =flavourPro>Sweetness: Dry | Body: Medium-Full | Oak Intensity: Medium