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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2008
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Say.... has anyone ever seen a chart that one might use to compare Winexpert (or any other manufacturer) to a commercial wine---- if they (we)are looking to make a kit at home that will come close to a wine that they like that is already on the liquor store shelf. Or one that they have enjoyed in the past.
The reason I am asking this is twofold: (1). I am VERY new to the winemaking deal, and my palate is not too refined and I do not have a very large memory Inventory of wines that I have tasted.( too many airplane part numbers floating around in there!) And (2) I saw this type of chart in my cigar catalog " if you prefer this cigar, the you may like this one..."comparing name brand 'gars to the in house, cheaper ones.Or just like What the Wal-Mart brand medicines say on the box: "same as what is in brand X'

There are so many varieties to pick from, and I get nervous about picking one that we may not enjoy, or does not trip our trigger---and then have 25-30 bottles of the stuff around to give to the people we dislike....
What do ya say?
One of the best places to look is to basically look at the catalog pages here. They basically have the descriptions of the wine from the manufacturer. If I were looking for a wine that is comparable to a particular commercial productI would just call George. He makes at least one kit of every product he sells so I couldn't think of anyone more qualified to answer your questions. Here is a good page on the site to start at.

solve the problem by getting rid of the airplane parts out of your head.
I wish it was that easy. My wife and I have had the same questions and my opinion and hers are very differant when it comes to taste. It would shure be nice to have the touchy, feely, factor but I don't think that is going to happen. Guess I'll just have to keep on drinking till I've tried them all. lol

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