Basement floor

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May 1, 2012
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I've read that one shouldn't age your wine with it sitting on the basement floor. I'm not sure I understand why. It's vibration free, cool and the temperature stays fairly consistent. Can someone explain this please?
It's mostly because of the concrete, there is zero give to it, so the slightest bump of a glass carboy could cause a disaster! I have carboys on my basement floor, however I have cardboard underneath them as a little bit of a cushion.
I agree with Sarah, I have carpet. I do know it is hard to get a wine to ferment when sitting on a concrete floor.
I use carpet tiles or remnants under my carboys. I have a concrete floor with a floor drain so will likely use tile.
Them foam pads for kids work great too, ya know the ones that look like a giant puzzle they are kinda non porous so clean up is easier then carpet.
Outside of the hardness of the floor, and the risk of breaking you carboys, my opinion is that a concrete floor provides an idea spot for aging wine. The floor is nice an cool, maintaining a constant temperature.
Definitely put something under the carboys, cardboard, carpet, I like using skateboard grip-tape to the bottom of my carboys, that way they won't slide around on anything and I don't have to remember to put something under them every time. I beleieve there are still pics on this forum that show you what disasters can happen to someone brew-room if a carboy starts sliding around.
Good for aging on due to.cooler temps but bad because of risk of breakage. Not good gor getting a wine started fermenting due to that cool temp as dedpite good room temps the vessels will pul the temp from that floor making it hard to get going at start and near the end.