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  1. O

    Doing on the free...broke as a joke

    Is it mandatory to have pottasuim sulfate and tannin and citric acid and anything other than...fruit, sugar, water and yeast...I am reading so much of different things....I don't mind the citric acid since I want it to have a slightly tart flavor and I also have a jar of it already. I was going...
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    Doing on the free...broke as a joke

    regarding the the scewtp bucket Did you need to have some sort of airlock while fermenting? What was the advantage of the screwtop lid? Asking my local restaurant for bottles is a great idea. A no brainer really...duh. what was the advantage of the tube? Was this to syphen into bottles...
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    Doing on the free...broke as a joke

    Thx! This us all great advice. I will keep you posted...must do some hunting now.
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    Local Bartering...

    I have noticed while scrolling through threads that the cost of fruit is a pain...I live in a rural Maine community and summertime is bountiful for most. We have a barter only site for the town where no money is exchanged. Many of us are novice homesteaders and are always trading our crops for...
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    Dry & Crisp fruits?

    thx! I'll be sure to check out the other threads here.. I didn't know you can adjust the taste during the process...this gives me more confidence on my first batch.
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    Doing on the free...broke as a joke

    I have not made wine before. I have 0$ to invest in this. There are so many sites to reference I just don't know where to start. Here is my idea. Please tell me any tips or where I might go wrong.... I have tons of free blueberries-sometimes other fruits through barter (want dry and crisp...
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    Dry & Crisp fruits?

    Never made wine before...wanted to know what type of ordinary fruits other than grapes would make a dry and crisp white wine. Green apples? Grapefruit? Necterines? I do not like sweet wine...much more of a pi not griggio or sauvignon blanc. Is it all a matter of the sugar amount? What is the...