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  1. D

    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    We have never used oak chip what kind of flavor does that give
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    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    Thanks everyone
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    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    Just had a bottle pop the cork off bottled 4 weeks ago first time this has happened.
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    Crabapple jam into wine help

    Thanks think we will try
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    Crabapple jam into wine help

    I have some Crabapple jam that did not set up it is still liquid. Dose anyone think I could make wine out of it
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    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    Ok thanks will get started
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    DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

    Was going to start my first DB today printed the recipe off but then I thought I seen where you change a few things. I have 1 bottle of lemon juice 20 cups sugar 1 tap tannin 3 tap yeast nutrients 1 top yeast energizer 3 top pectin enzyme water to 6 gallon 6# of fruit is all this right
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    Just started

    We rack both blackberry and plum both are dry now should we rack again or just leave it's been little over a week
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    What kind of sugar

    Ok thanks so much for your help
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    What kind of sugar

    Thanks for all your in put
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    What kind of sugar

    It was 4.99 a pound he said he sell a lot of it but I think we use what we bought but not get any more. If y'all say to just use regular
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    What kind of sugar

    He said you could taste it. We bought some to try it is called fermentation sugar
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    What kind of sugar

    Just got back from the wine store and the man said not to use regular sugar. What kind do you use
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    Need help airlock stop bubbling

    We put all of the f - pack will have to see how it turns out
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    How many blueberrys

    Ok thanks we have about 15 right now in freezer going to pick more tomorrow. We want to do a 5 gal batch.
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    Need help airlock stop bubbling

    Thanks we put it on I took the picture before he got it on
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    Need help airlock stop bubbling

    Ok we checked so .99 so we racked
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    Need help airlock stop bubbling

    Ok thanks will try
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    Need help airlock stop bubbling

    We started a kit on June 29 and did all it said the so was 1.060 they say to wait until the 14th day to do anything should we be worried the kit is orchard breezing mist wine. Same the we started our own wild plum and wild blackberry we racked them yesterday
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    Just racked our first wine

    Thanks I will