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  1. T

    Getting strawberry flavor in my grape wine

    I've search and can't find any strawberry fpac recipes. Everyone says to add a strawberry fpac but no one says how to make one
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    Getting strawberry flavor in my grape wine

    Thanks I'll check it out
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    Getting strawberry flavor in my grape wine

    I have 5 gallon of white grape wine made from welch's concentrate. I'm looking for a way to give it a hint of strawberry flavoring. I had added 4 oz of strawberry extract and two cans of welch's strawberry splash concentrate after it was done fermenting and degassed. It has been setting for...
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    Strawberry flavoring

    I actually got some advise on using Hersey's strawberry syrup. Any thoughts??
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    Strawberry flavoring

    Sounds good, I'll cook some strawberries then add it and let it set for a few months. Hopefully it will turn my wine into something worth drinking. Right now it taste like nothing
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    Strawberry flavoring

    Great James thanks I'll try that. Just frustrating it taste nothing like strawberries
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    Strawberry flavoring

    I made some strawberry wine but taste no strawberry. Does anyone know the best way to back flavor to get the best strawberry flavor. Like strawberry extract or strawberry concentrate or any other ideas
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    Duck Dynasty

    The rayway, That was well put, I agree with everything you said. Nothing more frustrating than a conversation with someone who "knows" what's right and wrong and escalates talking to shouting when you have another view than there's. I never argue with these people, I simple change the subject...
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    Duck Dynasty

    Ok first I want to say I'm not a fan of the show and haven't watched more than a few minutes of it. That being said I'm just sick of everyone being offended for everything that anyone says. If it offends you then don't listen or watch it. Should I get offended that every show on TV now has to...
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    I've read several post on here about yeast. My question is how can you pick the right yeast? I mean is there something on the net saying if you use a certain fruit you want this yeast or if you want a certain alcohol % you should use this yeast. There are so many yeast to choose from how do you...
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    Back sweetening wine twice?

    Sorry another question guys. I added clearing agents, will this be alright if when I add more concentrate to add more clearing agents or no?
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    Back sweetening wine twice?

    Thanks again. Just didn't want to mess up
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    Back sweetening wine twice?

    Let's say I back sweetened my wine and it tasted pretty good. Then a month later the taste is not what I remembered and I want it a little sweeter. Can I add more sugar or concentrate at this point? And would you rack it or just steer the sediment back up. Thanks