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  1. F

    Stainless Steel Vat

    I was thinking of using the steel vat, with the top lid, and do away with the floating lid. Somehow I modify the top lid to include an air lock, and seal it watertight with the tank. Then to get the level of wine, so that it fills the tank to the brim, I put inside some glass containers filled...
  2. F

    Stainless Steel Vat

    The Vats are italian made, and I do know that the seller has sold quite some, because he keeps stocking. These VATs have some advantages over carboys: you can clean thoroughly inside, they do not break all the volume of wine is stored in one container, rather than in many carboys, they have...
  3. F

    Stainless Steel Vat

    I have recently purchased to stainless steel vats, to get rid of the glass carboys for good. The vat has a lid which floats on the wine. The wine is then sealed using oenological oil. In the two batches I made using the vats, the air in the space between this floating lid and the proper lid...
  4. F

    How did you get started in wine making?

    My childhood memories all revolved round my uncle's vineyard and the thrill was the harvest and wine making days. Until I got a job, bought a house and married, I did not much think about owning a vineyard or winemaking. Then another uncle decided to start a vineyard himself. I grew interested...