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  1. K

    Looking for a Pomegranate recipe

    And let me add to this. I'm more than happy to make a pomegranite and blueberry, or any other type of wine, I would just like pomegranite to be one of the main ingredients. And I would truely preffer a port style, but I'm down for trying anything!! Thanks again
  2. K

    Looking for a Pomegranate recipe

    I am looking to make a Pomegranate wine, or even a pomegranate port. If anybody has tried before with any success please let me know. Also if anybody has any good recipes I'd love to try them! Thank you in advance
  3. K

    What R you DRINKING today?

    Going to pop open a bottle of 2005 Argyle Nuthouse Reserve Pinot Noir.... I haven't been making wine that long and I still have about 100 bottles that I need to finish of my commercial wine.....
  4. K

    Looking for a decent early drinking red wine

    So I'm new to wine making and have to ask what is a decent early drinking red kit wine. So far I have made wine from Apples, peaches, blueberries, welch's and I have a skeeter pee going. I also have made a WE Cab Franc Ice Wine which is in secondary right now and a WE Gerwurtz that is...
  5. K

    General Skeeter Pee

    I have a Cab Franc Ice WIne going right now that I'm going to have to rack in a few days. Would that be ok for Skeeter Pee??
  6. K

    WineXpert Starting a New Cab Franc Ice Wine Tonight, Any Suggestions??

    I've made 1 kit wine so far and I'm going to start another tonight. If there are any special tricks anybody knows to make them any better it would be appreciated! Thank you in advance everybody!
  7. K

    Chef learning to make wine

    I talked to our Beverage Director at the hotel about saving me bottles and 3 days latter she had about 500 for me.... Needless I'm set for a while there, but if anybody here lives around Utah I'd be more than happy to pass some along!
  8. K

    Chef learning to make wine

    Luckily with my job I am able to purchse any fruit at quite a large discount, but I have to figure out what to make! So far I've been lucky enough to know a lot of people willing to donate fruit, but That season is almost over... Any suggestions on a must have fruit wine recipe? Or even any...
  9. K

    Complete Newb has a few questions for all the experts out there

    Those look great. I plan on drinking most of my wine within the first 2 years, but I also think it would be fun to save a few bottles from each batch and have them 5-10 years down the road....
  10. K

    Chef learning to make wine

    Honestly I plan on making them from both. So far I've made 2 batches of apple wine. A Batch of Peach wine and one Kit wine. I'm planning on starting 2-3 more wine kits in the next month, and whenever I can get a good deal on fruit, or a nice neighbor or friend who has extra wants to share...
  11. K

    Chef learning to make wine

    Hello my name's Kasey and I'm still pretty new to wine making. I am currently a Chef at a 5 star resort so I knwo the food side. I have also worked teaching classes on wine in the past, but just recently got into making my own. I'm sure I will have tons of questions in the future and if...
  12. K

    Complete Newb has a few questions for all the experts out there

    Thank you so much! I've worked with wine for years now and I was really surprised by the quality of the wine that the kit made. I'm afraid that next week I'm going to have 20 carboys lined up! Alright next big question then. Corks Is it worth it to buy the ultra premiun corks I've...
  13. K

    Complete Newb has a few questions for all the experts out there

    I recently made a WE Gerwurts (I'm not even going to try and spell that one) kit and loved it. I've played around with fruit wines before and have multiple Apple, peach and berry wines, but I really want to make some more of the kit wines and was going to look for some suggestions. The one...