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  1. W

    hello from UK

    lol, I'll try my best!
  2. W

    Forgot to sterilise my bucket

    Thanks, that's clarified things nicely. I don't really want to spend any more money at this stage, so will stick to your 4 month rule and see how things go. You really are so helpful here, thank you all very much!
  3. W

    Forgot to sterilise my bucket

    Ahh, see this is where I'm confused. All the books I've read said add 1/2 or 1 campden tablet every time you rack. But all the people I talk to say no. Or am I confused between the initial rack from the bucket into the demijohn, and subsequent racking? As an aside, I had an awful incident...
  4. W

    Forgot to sterilise my bucket

    Yes, I did add 1 crushed campden before putting yeast in. That leads me to another question actually. Should I put another campden in when I rack it into the jar in 3 days? Or will that kill of the yeast? Thanks Sophy
  5. W

    Forgot to sterilise my bucket

    Thank you all. I boiled the rinds with the nettles for 45 mins, then strained all the solids, so the liquor that is fermenting doesn't actually contain any of the rinds or nettles. I'm really hoping I can get away with it. I'll be pretty upset if my first ever wine turns completely nasty...
  6. W

    hello from UK

    Yes, there's not much else around here to make wine with at the moment. Too early in the spring :-)
  7. W

    hello from UK

    Hi I just wanted to say hello from across the pond. I've just started wine making and have my first (possibly doomed already) batch of nettle wine fermenting at the moment Hope to chat to some of you soon Sophy
  8. W

    Forgot to sterilise my bucket

    Hello everyone. This is my first post on here and I am a very new beginner! Yesterday I began making some Nettle wine. But I think I have already made some mistakes and wondered if you thought I should start again or wait to see what happens. Basically, I sterilised my bucket. Then I...