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  1. Tsutt

    Choclate cherry port? Any suggestions or recipes you've tried?

    Two so far. I'm trying to let it age longer but my wife enjoys sampling this wine a little to much. Might not have much left to bottle! I haven't had much sediment drop out of the wine since the second rack.
  2. Tsutt

    Choclate cherry port? Any suggestions or recipes you've tried?

    Sittings at about 2 months and is becoming pretty clear. Had to sample a glass to see how it's turning out. Still has a dominate cherry taste and the chocolate is starting to come through a little more. Can't wait to see the change in a couple more months!
  3. Tsutt

    Corks and how it's made

    Great article thanks for the share!
  4. Tsutt

    Choclate cherry port? Any suggestions or recipes you've tried?

    Not a problem let me know how it turns out.
  5. Tsutt

    Choclate cherry port? Any suggestions or recipes you've tried?

    Chocolate cherry port This makes 4 gallons After looking this is similar to the chocolate strawberry port but with some tweaks that may help. I am by no means a pro like many on here but here's what I did and to me it turned out pretty good. Hope you enjoy. Start off with 1 can 46 oz of...
  6. Tsutt

    Choclate cherry port? Any suggestions or recipes you've tried?

    I have had a cherry chocolate port in the carboy for a couple of months now. It has turned out with a heavier cherry flavor with a hint of chocolate. I have it sitting on some medium oak to add more layers to the wine. Still has a while to age, so far so good. I did use a cherry concentrate...