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  1. J

    Someone please explain Dragons Blood

    Did you get a chance to put one together Dave? I'm looking for gallon recipe that's not to lemony....
  2. J

    Cellar construction advice needed - vapor barriers

    When I used to build homes they made foam insulating chunks that you could fill the block cores with. Also used foam sheathing the exterior of block wall.
  3. J

    Wine rack question

    Very nice thig!!
  4. J

    Post your labels here

    Flour and water is old fashioned wallpaper paste if I remember correctly. Idk how it would stick to glass but paper is good for sure.
  5. J

    Long lost Wine Gardener

    Why is ancestry a rip off? Is there a better source for info?
  6. J

    Newbie questions sparkling wine

    Any recommended reading on this subject specifically? Books... I'm new to winemaking and wine in general, the wife and I prefer things on sweet side and also like the sparkling/ frizzante of some ...
  7. J

    Wine life

    I'm a complete newcomer to wine in general , but I always assumed the more aged a wine the better it was....isn't that pretty much what ppl have been lead to believe??
  8. J

    primary airlock?

    I guess I was also thinking that the reason for using a big bucket was so there was a large surface area exposed to air . Whereas the secondary is the opposite.. does it matter what type of wine your making eg fruit, grape etc... Thanks!
  9. J

    primary airlock?

    I have done reading into subject and browsed the threads here. I was under the impression that you used a airlock on primary . But from what I've seen here you all recommend leaving airlock off until secondary? Please advise...thanks