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  1. C

    Coring a large amount of pears

    Pressing ripe pears is a hassle. When you grind them, they turn to a mush that won't give up the juice. There's no need to remove the core. There are some small orchards in my area that make a pear cider, but I'm sure they are grinding/pressing before they are fully ripe. The best way I've...
  2. C

    So HILARIOUS on SO MANY levels!!!!

    I've got probably 5-6 times more carboys than that with various wine beer and cider. I've also got cases of empty bottles and jugs, and about 20 empty kegs, clearly "evidence of distribution". The Sheriff would put himself in for cop of the year if he "busted" my "operation".
  3. C

    Help me clean up this overgrown mess!

    After my father passed away, his concord grape vines went to hell for a few years and I had to deal with a tangled mess similar to yours. There's no one way to tackle an vine renovation problem, there are too many variables for that. You've done a good job getting rid of the dead wood, and...
  4. C

    to each their own,,,,

    About 20 seasons ago, I bought grapes from a local grower and made my first wine. I followed what books told me and added this and that to change the grape juice into something it was "supposed" to be, but after a few years I realized I didn't know what I was doing, didn't have sophisticated...
  5. C

    Why aren't there grape or flowers on my vines ?

    Some of the pictures look like the grape plants are in the shade, how much sun do they get?