Yeast Question?

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Aug 10, 2011
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I'm making a 1 gallon batch of Muscadine wine and today I'm going to be adding the yeast. The yeast I'm using is a Montrachet packet which is good for 5 gallons. It says to add the entire packet? Will all the yeast just speed up the process or should I cut the packet in half to use the remaining for another 1 gallon batch of strawberry wine I plan on making?

After I typed in the question at the bottom of my post were related topics which answered my I guess its all how you search your question in the first place. "Yeast" just did not answer but "Yeast Question"

I do have another question since I already opened this thread. I've been reading about campden tablets crushed in water and used in spray bottles to clean equipment. In my kit I purchased was Easy Clean Cleanser, will this do the same as the campden as a steriant in a spray bottle?
Regarding Easy Clean Cleanser

I believe Easy Clean Cleanser is a no rinse cleaner. Sure, you should be able to use it in a spray bottle. Check directions to see how long it is effective after dilution. Even bleach looses effect with time.

There is a difference between the two. The cleaners do exactly that, clean and should never be allowed to come in contact with your wine.

Potassium Metabisulfite (k-Meta, camden tablets) are to kill some bacteria and stun the wild yeasts giving your yeast a chance to gain a foothold in your juice (must).

Clean your equipment, rinse then when ready to use spray or rinse with the k-meta. You will be adding k-meta to your wine in certain amounts.

As per your other question. You can split up a packet providing you are adding it to a total of maybe 8 gallons. Once open use the entire packet, do not try to save for later.

These packs are designed for approx. 6 gallon batches but that can be stretched a bit. The yeast will "bud" reproduce but if there is insufficient yeast in your primary you run the risk of external bacteria and foreign yeasts coming in contact and possibly ruining your wine before it has a chance to take off.

Remember to add your nutrients and if using pectic enzymes, they do not do well in a sulfite or fermenting environment. Always allow 12-24 hours between each of them.
I've been reading about campden tablets crushed in water and used in spray bottles to clean equipment. In my kit I purchased was Easy Clean Cleanser, will this do the same as the campden as a steriant in a spray bottle?

In addition to what Steve already said there is another product out there call "one Step". That is a cleanser and sterilizer both and does not require rinsing. Oxy-clean (unscented) is also the same as one step.

I would not suggest using campden tablets for sanitizing. The potency seems to vary on them. Intead got the k-meta in a powder for and use 3 tbs per gallon. You will find this is cheaper in the long run and easier to use and dissolve. You only use 1/4 tsp per 5-6 gallons of wine. If you only making one gallon batches you can mix up a 1/4tsp in 5 oz of water, stir to dissolve and just add 1 ounce.
Thank you very much. I added the entire packet of yeast instead of only using half. I also saved the cleaner just for that.. Cleaning. I will get k-meta next time I go to my local wine making store. I also need to pick up a few more items needed for my next batch. I need to be on the look out for more carboys in the area so I will be keeping my eye's My neighbors ususlly drink wine from the gallon jugs so I need to put in a order from them or maybe buy a few bottles on my own...??

I also found out in my LD Carlson kit the 3 piece airlock was cracked and couldn't be used today. Luckey for me I saw a wine making kit at a thrift store several months ago which was never used and I purchased it. 90% of the stuff needed to be tossed in the trash but the only thing I kept was the airlock :db All the additaves and yeast were several years past and the plastic carboy was cracked. Very happy I saved the airlock!!
This question bring up another question. Steve, I just started a Elderberry, I added one c-----------I think I'll start a new thread, I have a couple of questions.

Semper Fi