WMT (Unofficial) Dragon Blood Variant Contest

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Its not bottled yet, but is tasty!!! Will get to bottleing soon:).

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On a somewhat related note, as I was piddling in the lab last night, I found a Lil gem. There was 1 unmarked 1 gal sitting there behind my "tea pee" . Turns out it was a gal of quad-berry DB I had missed from last month. YAY!
Ok, judges' addresses have been PMed to our contestants. If I forgot anyone, it was completely unintentional. Let me know and I'll give you the details.

Try not to procrastinate, please. Get your wines bootled and shipped out within the next week.

Thank you all in advance.
Ok, need to get bottles. Need to finish and filter the wine. Need to send it. Hope I can do that soon.
I am bowing out of this competition .

I'm going to concentrate on the big and bold competition for which I am much more suited!

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Do I win for being the first to ship? Both samples are out. I ended up making "Blueberry Pomegranate Dragon Blood Berry Berry Blend". I thought my Pomegranate reduction left a little too much bitter aftertaste so I blended in the original DB berry blend and smoothed it out pretty well. I'm not bothering with labels for my batches but made up a quickie just for the contest. All light, bright and fun right. Best of luck to all.

Ok, judges' addresses have been PMed to our contestants. If I forgot anyone, it was completely unintentional. Let me know and I'll give you the details.

Try not to procrastinate, please. Get your wines bootled and shipped out within the next week.

Thank you all in advance.

Still waiting on the Details of what when and where to ship. I will not even be able to ship till this Monday or Tuesday. Is that going to be too late? And what carrier should I use?

Yikes, my 88 yr old father is visiting, we had some medical issues and mine will not go out until Monday, as it is already Sat and our UPS store is closed on the weekends.
I need to put a nice lable on it??? But that involves taking off the old lable, and designing a new one! I think I will take last place in the lableling department:) unless I find time tomorrow to draw one up. Darn. This also means it needs a name?
I took a bottle to my weekly group of drinkers and made them guess what I used. No one guessed :) but they all went back for seconds!

I also plan on shipping it out Monday or Tuesday.

Judges, I make all my wine bone dry. Just as a warning to your freinds so they can have a good laugh at your pucker face:)

Sent from my iPod touch using Wine Making
Mine will ship Monday also. I made an original DB batch and divided it into 3 gallons and backsweetened/flavored each differently. 1. Pomegranate, 2. Red Grapefruit, 3. Hot Cinnamon. I also made a batch of Apple Raspberry that I've made before and really like. My wife will be the taste tester today to see which one ships. Good Luck Everyone.
Looks like we're all shipping out on Monday. Sounds good to me.

It's ok, Elmer. I'll see you over at the Big and Bold Contest.
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I missed shipping by 12 min., looks like my Cherry Sweat is in the Monday group as well.

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Still waiting on the Details of what when and where to ship. I will not even be able to ship till this Monday or Tuesday. Is that going to be too late? And what carrier should I use?


I use UPS to ship my "marinade". It is illegal to ship via USPS.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Mine will ship Monday also. I made an original DB batch and divided it into 3 gallons and backsweetened/flavored each differently. 1. Pomegranate, 2. Red Grapefruit, 3. Hot Cinnamon. I also made a batch of Apple Raspberry that I've made before and really like. My wife will be the taste tester today to see which one ships. Good Luck Everyone.

ImageUploadedByWine Making1408825028.070993.jpg
My wife's tasting notes. As we say in the South: "Bless her Heart"

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
I use UPS to ship my "marinade". It is illegal to ship via USPS.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making

Thanks for the info. on shipping Rod I will do UPS then. Will be shipping just one bottle of Danger Dave's Original Wyman's Three Berry as per his recipe.
Tasted our Tropical version and it did not taste right. Was still too dry and I believe will need 3-6 months of aging. I wonder if the two cans of 100% Grape juice and raisins have anything to do with it.

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Be warned, Willie! I'm sending each of our judges an additional bottle, which will be my original recipe DB. So, they will have something to compare yours to. Let's hope you are up to the "standard". ;) (I'm sure yours is great!)

My entry will be my Sweet Strawberry Tart, a strawberry-lemon version of DB. I'm hoping that the pin-up girl on the label will sway the judges. :D
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