WMT (Unofficial) Dragon Blood Variant Contest

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I have a cherry lemon lime going and a regular with raisins added going going to backsweeten in the next couple weeks.
Ok, since some of you have posted your flavors, I see that I need to rethink and regroup. This contest will require something special to win.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
I have finnely started mine! Only after I dumped in everything did I realize we needed to use "fruit", can I pull that crap the president did and just call my vegtable a fruit??? Kinda like that tomatoes are a fruit but are now legally classified as a vegtable in school lunches. I think its stupid, but maybe I can be stupid just this once:)

Sent from my iPod touch using Wine Making
Politics rears it's ugly head, even here. :tz
Sorry, Jen, you'll have to get some fruit. I think we (at least---including you) know what that means. We try to keep the rules flexable and minimal, but it wouldn't be a DB without fruit.
My vegtable is rubarb. There is a plum bace to the yeast must. But just dregs really. I can find plenty of other fruit. I for sure have plenty of citrus left for several more batches!

Sent from my iPod touch using Wine Making
I have just two words for you all....... BlueBlooded - PomeDragon . Got my ingredients in the winehouse and ready to start it's inaugural batch of wine with my first attempt at Dave's Legendary Recipe tomorrow night. From what I've read, two months should be plenty of time to make this work. Let's see!
My vegtable is rubarb. There is a plum bace to the yeast must. But just dregs really. I can find plenty of other fruit. I for sure have plenty of citrus left for several more batches!

As unofficial contest semi-moderator, I approve your rubarb submission. Vint away!

Cool!! :) Thanks! I keep saying one of my best fruit wines is rubarb.... Then got to thinking.... Always a bad thing:)

Sent from my iPod touch using Wine Making
That's to bad the contestants cant try all the entries. The shipping costs would be way to prohibitive. I'm kind of jealous of the judges. Guess ill have to win this one so I can judge the next contest. LOL.
Yes, Calvin, you must win. It's a good incentive for the contestants. I tried to get everyone to let me judge, but noooooo, y'all want to compete with the DB master. ::

Som be it!
So far so good on my first try at this. Nice clear instructions followed to the T. Started Friday night, pitched yeast Sat morn, bubbles Sat night and full on Ferment by Sunday morning. I have 8 lbs. of blueberries so squeezing the bag turned more into 20 minutes of popping berrys like a roll of bubble wrap. Looking like it's going to be a very very dark wine.
So far so good on my first try at this. Nice clear instructions followed to the T. Started Friday night, pitched yeast Sat morn, bubbles Sat night and full on Ferment by Sunday morning. I have 8 lbs. of blueberries so squeezing the bag turned more into 20 minutes of popping berrys like a roll of bubble wrap. Looking like it's going to be a very very dark wine.
I've made a blueberry also and did the same thing! I was thinking with blueberries, if there is a next time, I would do something different...maybe whirl them in the food processor. It took a lot of time to pop all the blueberries!!!
I've made a blueberry also and did the same thing! I was thinking with blueberries, if there is a next time, I would do something different...maybe whirl them in the food processor. It took a lot of time to pop all the blueberries!!!
Did you freeze them first?? Usually makes them much easier to break down and squeeze. Another thought, a fairly large container and a potatoe masher. That is how I have crushed what few grapes I have done. Arne.
when do we have to ship our entries? my stock is running low already
You're supposed to save some, Calvin! Show some restraint, my man! :ib

Next month will be shipping time.
I have to say I'm impressed by this recipe. My entry is not bottled yet (first Dragon Blood attempt) but my wife tasted it over the weekend and loved it. Even wants to take some on vacation to share with her folks who rarely drink. She said even this young she can't taste the alcohol. It might be a bit too sweet but we'll have to let the judges decide. Thanks Dave for giving a reason to finally give the DB a try.