Wine taste like carbonated grape juice

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Hang in there -
I was originally taught to make wine in the fall and bottle at Thanksgiving. Yes it had CO2 issues ! But we drank and was merry - until spring rolled around and the corks decided to pop off. It almost cost me my marriage and my winemaking career ! I like others learned from someone else who was not a great teacher and I was not a good student ,because I did not study myself. I used the resources on the internet and found out what I was doing wrong -
he felt that there was no need to use meta and so I am sure it had residual sugar or it was going thru MLF.

Since then the student has passed up the teacher as the teacher was not willing to learn and is not making wine today.

Stick around this is a great forum !!
And the wine is still full of CO2. Check out the UC Davis site--type "bulk aging" into the search and the UC Davis course will be the first or second site.

Still not finding it. Do you mean this: This is a pdf of a book on home winemaking.

We kind of expect people to have at least a beginner's understanding of the wine process when they come here.

Umm, I don't expect that, necessarily.
Some people shouldn't throw stones. You were a beginner once too. People like you make it difficult for other to ask questions. If your frustrated with US DUMB BEGINNERS, I suggest you and the rest of the pro's keep your ignorant comments to yourselves. After all this forum does says "BEGINNERS ". Not arrogant professionals

I agree with you that people may have jumped the gun and are coming down a bit hard on you harping on bottling early. But I also have to say several members here have been trying to ask you questions and get a better idea about how you made the wine, what you added to it, etc. You seem to throw out one piece of information at a time with little detail rather than provide a detailed account of your process. Getting information from you in order to help you has been like pulling teeth.

I will reiterate Steve's sentiment - if you can get past feeling bad about the harping, there are wonderful people here with great experience that are more than happy to provide advice. So, please try not to take these posts the wrong way. Look carefully at what people are asking in order to assist you.
I had a post that never posted. That contained a lot
Of information about this batch. Going back through all the comments I realized it wasn't there. That's my fault for not double checking.

I agree that there are some very nice helpful people here who have also reached out with advice through private messages.

While I don't think anyone here is a Mondavi, there sure seem to be a lot of people who think they are. Those people who are easily frustrated with beginner questions should simply stay out of the Beginners forum. Seems like a simple solution , right ?

To this who have helped. I really appreciate your advice and help. I believe now I have this wine under control and will have a better idea for my next batch on how to handle different wines. Thank you
Actually, we do have some "Mondavi's" here. Mondavi was famous for his marketing strategy, and bringing Napa Valley to it's own in the world wine market, and a few technical improvements.
There are people on this list who make some fantastic wines.