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Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
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I am in the process of finishing the last room in my basement. I want to have a space that is complete for wine making. I am planning on including a fullsink that I can clean my carboys in. I also want to have enough counter space to work with. My wine cellar is right off of this space.

The question is...."Do I go with just counter space or have a raised bar section?" I am considering the bar section primarily for resale of the home...and It might look nice, but It will take away some of my counter space.

What do you think?
if you are already planning a resale....than i would go ahead w that as your key could always have a portable shelf/counter such as a stainless steel one that you could take w you as an alternative
Samsclub has some really nice stainless steel work benches for a pretty decent price. These seem to be available both online and in-store. Add a mop sink and your good to go plus it can all be taken down/away when you sell.
I think I have decided to add the bar to the counter. I did some research and found some things that others have done that would look nice. I will still have enough counter space for wine making so I won't be losing out.
Now I just need to decide on a color scheme for the room (This is the hardest part I think).