Which is the better Airlock?

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lol. Not a complaint. It's also new enough to have a CD player, however, he honestly didn't know what the tape slot was for! I also remember when he was about three or four and we were walking through a reuse it store (thrift store) and he saw a bunch of 33 rpm records. His eyes got real big, like only a toddlers can do, and he said, "whoa!, those are some big CDs!". When I explained what they were he was astounded, "you can watch em spin?".

At the risk of thread-jacking this into a "you know you are old when..." debate, just try to explain to your son about telephones attached to the wall/base by short cords that had no display of any kind! Or how much of a pain it was to make sure your answering machine had enough tape remaining so it wouldn't cut off the last caller if you got a bunch of messages in a short time...!

Ironically, my 7-year-ol nephew prevailed on his parents to buy him one of those early-'80s tape players so he could connect it to his iPod - because it had a big speaker, he could record his voice into it directly, and it looked "cool"!
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I use Vodka in my airlocks. I figure if it gets sucked in, the wine gets a little kick.

Speaking of getting sucked in; I seem to have this problem a lot with the 3 piece airlocks, any time I go near them to pull them out after they have been sitting for some time the water seems to get sucked into the carboy.
At the risk of thread-jacking this into a "you know you are old when..." debate, just try to explain to your son about telephones attached to the wall/base by short cords that had no display of any kind! Or how much of a pain it was to make sure your answering machine had enough tape remaining so it wouldn't cut off the last caller if you got a bunch of messages in a short time...!

Ironically, my 7-year-ol nephew prevailed on his parents to buy him one of those early-'80s tape players so he could connect it to his iPod - because it had a big speaker, he could record his voice into it directly, and it looked "cool"!
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Don't feel bad about thread-jacking, my question has been long answered and I have already made a purchase based on those replies. I'm surprised the 7 year old even knew what it was! I tried to explain to my boys once that my dad would call me from my room to change the tv channel. I didn't mind it too much until they invented cable tv and then I had to stand there and slide that stupid slide bar click by click by annoying click until he found something on that he actually wanted to watch.

I've actually thought about buying one of these just to embarrass my boys when we're out in public - http://www.focalprice.com/IPS38B/Retro_Cell_Phone_Handset_for_iPhone_4GBlack.html?utm_source=CS&utm_medium=GM_US&utm_campaign=CS_GM_US_IPS38B&gclid=CL_m7aPg7rsCFUsV7AodmX8AFw
Speaking of getting sucked in; I seem to have this problem a lot with the 3 piece airlocks, any time I go near them to pull them out after they have been sitting for some time the water seems to get sucked into the carboy.

They are likely too full, then. I remove mine by twisting them in the bung as I gently pull them out. I have never had fluid sucked into the carboy.

Folks here didn't know you should clean an airlock? For real? Everything used in the winemaking process should be 1.) Clean and 2.) Sanitary. Putting k meta solution in the airlock does not suffice for those. I guess this explains something I was curious about: Why I can use plain water and not have trouble with stuff growing in it, while others say they cannot.

"Better" is relative. I know people who still use tubing in a dish of water. Then there's the old pinhole in the balloon trick. Whatever floats your boat.

A number of years ago, I took my nephew to the movies. I explained to him that, back in my day, movie theaters only showed ONE movie on ONE big screen. It took weeks of waiting before the next new movie came to town. I also explained that we only had 7 tv stations and were lucky to have them since we lived on the outskirts of NYC.

The look of shock and his appreciation for how we old folks suffered through life was remarkable....

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