What's in your glass tonight?

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Never had this version before, but Jacob's Creek was BOGO and there were 2 of these on the shelf, so I grabbed them with the others. We shall see!


REPORT: Low tannin, low structured, medium bodied, mild, inoffensive, unobtrusive. You know – boring! 🤣
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Perfect. LOL I fermented to dry and then sweetened with Alexander's Zinfandel concentrate and then some simple syrup until SG was 1.03 which was what the La Bodega Port was when I made that and it was the perfect sweetness level IMHO.

How’s the sweetness?
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Picked up a bottle last time you showed a picture of the bottle. Son and Son-in-law showed up the next weekend and that was end of that bottle.
A nice sipper for sure.

Mrs. Jswordy said, "The entire house smells like caramel!" :p

And I replied, "Wha's tha' ya shay?" 😂😂😂