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Kids are back to school so I'm adjusting to my new schedule. This is the last school year I have to put my daughter on the elementary school bus, which picks her up at 8:20 or so in the morning. So I don't get to work until almost 9 am. When I got in my phone was already ringing, and it was my oldest daughter on the phone, in the nurses office at school, never a good sign. Turns out her pump was malfunctioning, so I had to get a hold of the manufacturer (my info is all at home, so did a web search). They needed the history off of her pump, but I'm 35 minutes away, so I had to get the nurse to call the help line. Low and behold my daughter had been remiss in charging it, so all is fine. The tech lady called me back and in the conversation hinted that my daughter was anticipating quite the tongue lashing when she got home. I said "no, having Type I diabetes since 7 years old is enough of a punishment, don't you think?" She's almost 16 so sometime in the near future she will be away from us for extended periods of time, so trial and error followed by a fix is the best way to learn, in my opinion.

Boy, just feel like I aged a year in an hour or two. I think I need a big glass of bone dry red wine to calm my nerves!
Kids are back to school so I'm adjusting to my new schedule. This is the last school year I have to put my daughter on the elementary school bus, which picks her up at 8:20 or so in the morning. So I don't get to work until almost 9 am. When I got in my phone was already ringing, and it was my oldest daughter on the phone, in the nurses office at school, never a good sign. Turns out her pump was malfunctioning, so I had to get a hold of the manufacturer (my info is all at home, so did a web search). They needed the history off of her pump, but I'm 35 minutes away, so I had to get the nurse to call the help line. Low and behold my daughter had been remiss in charging it, so all is fine. The tech lady called me back and in the conversation hinted that my daughter was anticipating quite the tongue lashing when she got home. I said "no, having Type I diabetes since 7 years old is enough of a punishment, don't you think?" She's almost 16 so sometime in the near future she will be away from us for extended periods of time, so trial and error followed by a fix is the best way to learn, in my opinion.

Boy, just feel like I aged a year in an hour or two. I think I need a big glass of bone dry red wine to calm my nerves!

Glad everything was okay with your daughter. Never a good feeling when the school nurse calls. Ours started back to school this week as well.
Glad everything was okay with your daughter. Never a good feeling when the school nurse calls. Ours started back to school this week as well.

Today's call from the nurses office was for a blood sugar above 500, which is really strange in my daughter, she never goes above the mid 200s, even right after a meal. Had to use my noodle a bit, but my Son had his pump stop insulin deliveries in the middle of the night, happens when the delivery tubing gets kinked while they are sleeping, but it's rare. Then this with my daughter...first thing I checked was to see if insulin was actually coming out the end that hooks into the site that transfers it under the skin on their body. Tried one unit, nothing, tried 5 units, nothing and got an occlusion error. Bingo. Turns out we just opened a new box of reservoirs that hold the insulin on the pump. Turns out the tube that gets hooked up to the tubing which hooks up to their body had some manufacturing issues. Opened up a new box, and changed her cartridge, and she's now slowly returning to earth. Tough on her though, since she's now adult size, without insulin for 5 hours and a meal (breakfast) to boot, she was showing "large" ketones, which is hard on your body. She's resting at home with my wife watching over her, hopefully be her normal self tonight.

Two incidences in two days, go figure. I hope this is it for the school year! At least I got to show the nurse how I troubleshoot a problem like that. It will help in the long run. She will also be getting quite a few more diabetics coming up from the middle school in the next three years (like 12 of them).

Just another normal day in paradise.
What amazes me is that I figured it out, and we really haven't had any major issues for years, that's the beauty of this modern technology.

She had a BS of 68 this morning and no ketones, so all is good. No calls yet today, though I wouldn't mind one, I've got a funeral for a work mate today at 2 pm.
Today started with a men's group breakfast at 7 am. Afterwards went North to visit my Mom, drop off tomatoes and wait for the LHBS to open up at 10. Went there, picked up 4 cases of used 375 ml bottles and some normal solution, went South and dropped two off at @jgmann67 's place, then upon leaving, pulled up along side a 3 1/2 to 4 ft black snake in the middle of the road. It coiled, looked at me, eventually figured out I wasn't a threat, and slithered off into the adjoining yard. Then I took a right, then at the main street a left, made it about 50 yards and had to lay on the brakes to avoid a "herd" of deer crossing the road, probably 20-25 of them.

So I had breakfast, visited Mom, picked up some bottles, dropped some off, and enjoyed a safari, all before Noon!
Today started with a men's group breakfast at 7 am. Afterwards went North to visit my Mom, drop off tomatoes and wait for the LHBS to open up at 10. Went there, picked up 4 cases of used 375 ml bottles and some normal solution, went South and dropped two off at @jgmann67 's place, then upon leaving, pulled up along side a 3 1/2 to 4 ft black snake in the middle of the road. It coiled, looked at me, eventually figured out I wasn't a threat, and slithered off into the adjoining yard. Then I took a right, then at the main street a left, made it about 50 yards and had to lay on the brakes to avoid a "herd" of deer crossing the road, probably 20-25 of them.

So I had breakfast, visited Mom, picked up some bottles, dropped some off, and enjoyed a safari, all before Noon!

Those deer are pretty smart too. They hang out on that property along the right side of the road up the hill. I don't think there's been a deer fatality in a few years now.
Hunkered down. The worst of Hermine is passing over in the next hour or two. I watched the insane people next door pack up and leave about half an hour ago. Not sure, but I'd expect the roads just south of here to be at least partially flooded at this point. The whole house is shaking, but fortunately, power has stayed on.
Deciding which yeast strains to use for 1000 lbs each of the following:

Sangiovese Avio Vineyards Yeast BM45

Syrah Paso Robles Yeast D254

Cabernet Sauvignon, Alexander Valley Yeast BDX

Pinot Noir, Willamette Washington St NT202

Cab Franc, Alexander Valley Yeast NT50

Merlot, Sonoma Dry Creek Yeast BDX


ps going winery hoping in North East Ohio too
Moving three tons of river rock to the hillside garden. Weeds grow like weeds here in Maryland so I figure with weed cloth and three tons of rock I can at least slow em down next year.
I'm not a heavy chemical user, but someone gave me some preen when they moved to a condo and didn't need it, sprinkled it around some of my flower beds before the weeds sprouted in the Spring and it really slowed them down for a few months. But either way, keep your weeds down South of the Mason-Dixon line, don't need any more up here.

Beautiful day, stiff wind starting up from the East, so I guess Hermine is affecting us the whole way up here. Got some discounted pea seeds and plan on putting in a row and hoping for a later than normal heavy frost. Might be a week or so too late, but I can always cover them and they taste better when grown cool.

Trying to find other outdoor projects so I can enjoy this beautiful Fall-like day in South Central PA.
Went down to the beach about an hour ago, where it was 5 times worse than this. Mother nature is very powerful.


I guess a kite is out of the question today.

I have to report a vegetable fatality today due to the wind. One of my green tomatoes blew off the vine. Recovered it from the ground and plan on grilling it, chopping it up and adding it to my grilled pizza tonight. So not all was lost.
Crying over being home. :(

The more I go to the beach, the more I think two weeks is really the right amount of time. Just wish it was easier to make that happen. This trip especially, I feel like we didn't have enough time. I always expect to lose a day, maybe two to less than stellar weather. Unfortunately this time around, it was our last two. Still enjoyed ourselves though. And aside from one accident (not involving us) that cost us about 20 minutes in traffic, it was a pretty smooth trip home. All hell breaks loose on Tuesday with School, Sports and Scouts all starting in full swing.
Wife and I bottled 6 cases of Seyval. I usually use my son to bottle, but he is away this weekend. After 6 cases, divorce proceedings may be needed.

I bottled and labeled a Carmenare-Red Zinfandel blend and named it Red Coat. We will try to see how that sells this weekend.

I've got 2, possibly 3 job offers as my plant is closing and moving to Germany this fall. 2 in NC, 1 in PA
Picked and crushed ~200 lbs of Sauvignon blanc and bottled last year's whites, 10+ cases. I'm whupped. :sl