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Rocky thats great. Below is a picture of one I made years ago. I have a climbing Hydrangea growing on it. Each section is 4'x4'. The boards fit in a grove I put in the 4x4 post for easy removal. My wife has a few removed in the picture for removing some of the compost. I put lattice above it in the back for the Hydrangea which is starting to take over.

Kicked off today with a defensive tactics class at work. Lots of fun. Then came home, bottled an amber light malt liquor and some cranberry skeeter pee. Had some regular skeeter pee that should have been ready too but it's being an all around pain.

Also took a trip to the doctor today. Looks like after a year I might get cleared of the restrictions from the herniated discs that got me placed on light duty behind a desk at work. Hopefully some blue skies and open roads ahead at work. No more answering the phones and issuing spare unit keys to rookies who can't go all night without crashing out at least 1 good car. Ill find out soon. Wish me luck!
Kicked off today with a defensive tactics class at work. Lots of fun. Then came home, bottled an amber light malt liquor and some cranberry skeeter pee. Had some regular skeeter pee that should have been ready too but it's being an all around pain.

Also took a trip to the doctor today. Looks like after a year I might get cleared of the restrictions from the herniated discs that got me placed on light duty behind a desk at work. Hopefully some blue skies and open roads ahead at work. No more answering the phones and issuing spare unit keys to rookies who can't go all night without crashing out at least 1 good car. Ill find out soon. Wish me luck!

Good Luck!!!!!!
had to go to a forklift trainer class yesterday and left my work computer at the training site. ARGH! Picked it up today and have to pack tomorrow for my business trip to Florida (its nice when your company owns Universal Studios). I will try to bring back some Key Limen wine.
Local City Wide garage sale this weekend. Out looking for used wine making equipment. Don't tell the wife. lol
Sitting on my back patio got a pork b*** on the smoker low and slow . Drinking Italian beer and listening to Willie Nelson and The Outlaws .
I filtered and bottled 6 gallons California Chardonay, 6 gallons of Apple and 6 gallons of Italian Frascati. Yipee! I now have 3 empty 6 gallon carboys to put the Chilean Zinfandel and Cabernet Sauvignon that I bought yesterday. I am really happy with the apple. It was made from fresh apple cider that I bought at Furman's in Erie. I added sugar to get sg to 1.085, used EC1118 yeast and it fermented and cleared rapidly. I used old orchard apple juice every time I needed to top it off and added 3 cinnimon sticks, 6 cloves and a couple pinches of dried Ginger root while aging. Great apple flavor and no real need to sweeten. I bottled it all dry. I am going to like this one.
Phil, this year when you're ready to buy cider check with me. I'll hook you up with a guy that will sell as bulk in your pail for a lot less than Furmans.
Phil, this year when you're ready to buy cider check with me. I'll hook you up with a guy that will sell as bulk in your pail for a lot less than Furmans.
That would be great Dan, I think Furmans was around $8.00 per gallon last year. After sampling this batch, It was worth it! If I can buy bulk in my bucket at a savings, I just might want to bring a barrell!
After a wonderful weekend in Northeast PA, we had to head back to work yesterday. Although I took a half vacation day today to meet the appraiser for refinance. I managed to get my last Chilean Cab Sauv transferred to a carboy as well as my 6 gallons of Mojio Skeeter Pee. Going to be a short work week for me.

If you live in PA, don't forget to get out and vote. It's Primary Day. Start early at getting those bums out of office.
Today I am thanking the Lord my kids were not involved!
Were in a small town so excitement around here is kept to a minimum, then today toward the end of my work day I started receiving calls from family asking about the kids.
I Had then turn to the news online and about panicked until I could talk to them!
Bottled my 2012 peach wine this morning, then went to my oldest's pre-school graduation and took him out for a late lunch to celebrate. Came home and continued my garage renovation - painted yesterday, and today was hanging "organizational hardware" and getting things put away and organized. After that, I bottled the Dragon Blood I started all the way back in December. Now, I'm enjoying the half bottle of peach wine I had left after bottling. It's the perfect wine for the weather. After a long, cool spring, we've been around 90 with high humidity the last couple days.

Glad your kids are OK Duster!
Went to M&M in Hartford and picked up 13 Juice pails, and got to play in their showroom, I wanted to buy everything!
I picked up 2 Moscato, 1 Cab Sav and 1 Malbec for me, and a boat load of pails for my buddy.
I saw this box on the counter that read "AllGrape Pack" with an image of a carboy and grapes...hmmmmmmm...I jumped at that one...lol It is a 4 KG (8.8 lbs) package for 19.99, a great price, I purchased one for the Cab Sav and one for the Malbec, here is the link for it M&M wine Grape Co. for those that are interested.
We got to load the truck in torrential down pour, then unload my pails in another down pour, and yes, we unloaded my buddies 9 pails in a brutal downpour...lol
Came home, Took readings on the 4 pails, got to use the SC-300...wohoooo...lol, Pitched the yeast, added the grape packs, made a few minor adjustments, moved the 4 fermenters into my office, then drained the two new oak barrels, hauled them down stairs into my make shift winery, transferred a Pinot Noir into one and a Lambrusco into the other.

Busy freakin day...lol
Spent 4 hours mowing yesterday. Today I will spend all day on the farm getting it ready for tomorrow's grape planting. I have about 20 people coming to help put in 325 vines.
Tom: How long are you planning to keep that pinot in the brand new barrel?

I'm kicking off my first MLF today. WooHoo!
To be honest, I am not very happy with the Pinot in the first place, I am going to leave it about two weeks with the hopes that it may be improved, if not, it will have been used as my first run wine through the barrel, if it gets over oaked, not too worried, I'll keep it in a carboy incase i need to put a wine in the barrels while I wait for the Chilean wines or possibly the fall wines to be ready to go into them..
The chianti will be next through the barrel, after that, both Amarone will go through for 8 weeks, I cannot wait for these!
What MLB are you using? I have VPN 41 lined up for the Cab Sav and Malbec.

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