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Crazy >

yep u guys are nutzzz but thats a good thang
~because iv allways been crazy--And--its kept me from going insaine. :b

hoping for a call back on the O.R. position , keep yalls fingers crossed they call me today and i can go in....
u know what, if i had LOOKED at ur posted city/state then i so wudda stopped!!! i was in dandrige and drove from here (delaware ) to baton rouge then back passing thu dandrige each time......ill be back that way in august with the hubby maybe we can meet up for a lunch!!!

kool sounds like a plan.:b
yup dandrige aint that far from me.
Well a strawberry and a strawberry blue berry pie are in the oven as we speak. They look good so far. My wife will get the first taste tonight of them. I'm sure someone from the picnic tomorrow can critique how they taste. Never made a pie before. :<
Four pies are complete. They look pretty good for my first attempt I think. 2 Strawberry and 2 strawberry / blueberry. The filling tastes yummy. We'll see what my better half thinks when she gets home from work. The top right was the last one made. I think the dough started to dry out from the kitchen heat...:slp

Two of the pies will be hopefully be sampled tomorrow. If we are short a few members on Sunday, it wasn't the pies....:h

Holy Cow Doug you are making me hungry! I'm saying around 2. We are going to plan to eat around 4.

Xanxer and Rodo, since you two are coming the farthest, if you are here earlier than that just come on in.
Racked and sulfited my blueberry today. Heading out to Vintner's Circle in Scranton for corks and bottles soon as I'm done typing this. This will be my first trip to this homebrew shop. I have hi hopes as the other HBS's near by aren't my cup of tea.
Four pies are complete. They look pretty good for my first attempt I think. 2 Strawberry and 2 strawberry / blueberry. The filling tastes yummy. We'll see what my better half thinks when she gets home from work. The top right was the last one made. I think the dough started to dry out from the kitchen heat...:slp

Two of the pies will be hopefully be sampled tomorrow. If we are short a few members on Sunday, it wasn't the pies....:h

That is some good looking pies!
It's good to see someone else doesn't mind turning on the oven and baking.
I did 24 cup cakes just the other day. The wife came home from the Walmart bakery she works in, and empty handed I might add, talking about all the cup cakes she had to do!!
So a man has to do what a man has to do..
I'm sure someone from the picnic tomorrow can critique how they taste.

A good friend of mine always said "pie is like *** it's got to be pretty bad before you'll get any complaints":h
I'm saying around 2. We are going to plan to eat around 4.

We will shoot for 2:00. It's going to be myself, my wife and our son, His fiance has to work till 5:00. How late do you think the get together will go?
We will shoot for 2:00. It's going to be myself, my wife and our son, His fiance has to work till 5:00. How late do you think the get together will go?

Sorry to here the fiance can't make it, I don't think anyone has given it a thought of how long, I figured we would just wing it.
Im drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stopped at the bar on the way home. the boss bought all my drinks ...had i known she was buying ida drank less!!! AHHAHAHAHAH

DNW picked my drunken butt up and brought mehome

great mood considering it was my finaly day!
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Fingers are crossed for ya girl on that job! I have the weekend off so hopefully I can get some bottling done and start 1 or 3 new batches!
Our chief called me at 6:25 asked if I could go load pumps onto the truck to take to a neighboring community. Just got home 20 minutes ago. So much for enjoying my evening. I was thigh high in water for about 2 hours. Oh well. I'm clean and wrinkly now. Looking forward to tomorrow.