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Aug 23, 2014
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A couple nights back I got a phone call from the neighbors. They said the bottle of white I'd given them to try a long time back was outstanding. My neighbor is also a wine maker, we trade a lot and his tastes are usually very different from mine. I about fell out of the chair.

It just so happened that I was trying some I had just bottled and told my wife it was raw and bad, just like last years. That was my first try at whites. I said that's it, I'm not a fan of whites and no use bothering with it after 2 lousy batches. Then I got the call.

As soon as I hung up I went to the pantry and grabbed a bottle of white I'd brought up to try one last time. Wow, time had worked some magic on that stuff. I also thought it was pretty good!

Maybe I will make another batch. 6 bottles of the 15 left.
Can't argue with success!

How long had the wine aged? In my experience my whites come along faster than my reds.
I got lucky and learned that on my second batch of wine...a frozen apple juice creation that was simple horrible. But, I needed the practice, so I bottled it and stashed it in a closet. Forgot about it. A year goes by and a friend was over and had brought some nasty store bought white crap she likes. So, I dug out a bottle of my nasty crap.

She loved it! Well, she does like crap I thought, but I tried it. WOW! I could not believe how much better that wine had become. No apple flavor to speak of, but a real nice crisp white wine. I'm just now getting to where I can get some age on some stuff. My wife is no help....this morning she wanted a bottle of that "White Rabbit" stuff to take to's a Gerwurztaminer or however you spell it, I can't even say it! Bottled in April and only 3 bottles left now. Oh well...happy wife:h