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I always add the extra metabisulphite during the step you mentioned. It doesn't hurt the wine. I do typically bulk age for about 2 weeks to a month though.

I typically rack the wine when the instructions indicate that the wine is ready to be bottled. Then I bulk age for 2 weeks to a month. The nice thing about bulk aging for a short amount of time like 2 weeks to a month is that there is no sediment left when you do bottle. So I get to squeeze in an extra bottle in there :). I added the extra metabisulphite powder as suggested at step 4. The instructions indicate that if you are going to age the wine longer than six months this is necessary. Time wise I am at the bottling stage according to the instructions, however, since I added the extra metabisulphite at step 4, racking and clarification, am I okay to leave in carboy for six months and then bottle? Or were they referring to bulk aging in the bottles for six months? My thoughts are this is a decent kit which should not be touched until at least 1 year.

I am still trying to learn the process, so please bear with me, thanks.:f

Yes, u can leave in the carboy for continued aging. This way it can still possibly drop some more sediment & maybe make adjustments still if u wish. (ex. add xtra oak)What I have been doing is aging for 6+ months then I split in half and continue aging 3 gallons and bottle the other 3 gallons. You are the wine maker ! :b
Okay, thanks for the reply Javila. I am going to leave in carboy until I need the carboy for something else.

So that extra addition is specifically for this purpose? If I wanted to leave it longer than six months I would need to have a means to test for sulphite levels and make additions as necessary.
