SO2 checking of WE Red Wine

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Dec 7, 2011
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I've asked this question on a couple of different chats and can't get a consistent answer. I know you need to check SO2 levels during bulk aging before just arbitrarily adding K-meta. I've gotten different answers that there are no good 'kits' for checking SO2 levels of red wine, i.e Lodi Ranch III and also checking the SO2 level of red wine is not as critical as with white wines.
Please help me understand.
I've got many WE red kits in bulk aging and I'm just adding 1/8th every 3 months. I don't want to overdo it.

If you are asking for the best method of testing S02 with wines then the answer is either theVinmetrica SC 100 unit which is about $200 but its the easiest thing to use out there and accurate!!!! You have a digital readout and audible also so your just not trying to wing it by color. Bulk aging wine and winging S02 levels is not great idea. It doesnt really matter whether its red or white as far as keeping S02 levels up. As far as it being an anti oxidant reds wont usually need it as much as higher tannin levels in reds will help with that but you still need to keep the levels good as once it gets to low bacteria which is everpresent can become active and ruin your wine. Sorry about some spelling. Im on my phone and dont have glasses with me.

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