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May 1, 2012
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Some recipes call for raisins. Is it possible to use a can of white grape frozen concentrate as a sub for raisins?
One of the neat things about making your own wines is you can change the way they are made however you want. If you want to substitute ingredients, have at it. The recipes are all only suggestions. Youdon't have to follow them to a T. When and if you change them, make sure you keep good notes so you can make it again if you like it. If you rely on your memory, I hope your memory is really a lot better than mine. Most retrys are months or maybe years later and little thing tend to get forgotten. Good luck with it, Arne.
And to answer your question, sure you can. Mite change the outcome a bit, but you can substitute. Personally, I would probably substitute. A frient of mine uses raisins and I can usually tell when they are added. There is a taste from them, but that is just me. Nobody else seems to notice. A.
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tcavan01, as Arne points out half of the fun in making wine is to try new things and see how it turns out. I would just add that the reasons raisins are added is normally to give the wine more boyd and "mouth" and the reason frozen concentrate, juice or fruit is added is to give the wine more or a different taste and/or sweetness. I use raisins in many batches of red either instead of or in addition to a grape pack. I have used white raisins in white wine, but that is rare for me.

I agree with Arne. Experiment, try new and different things. Another suggestion is to try a "split batch" of wine. That is, add raisins to one part and juice to the other and see what the differences are. Good luck.
I have used frozen white grape juice concentrate (100%) to help increase body (1-2 can/gallons) plus they bump up the sugar content. Consider investing in the white grape wine concentrate (far better outcome IMHO). I do not like traditional grocery store dark raisins, but will not hesitate to use Zante currants (buy them when on sale) or dried golden raisins that I have steeped in boiling water and then blitzed in the blender and into the must it goes! Can also use bananas/banana skins for body. I like to haunt www.nuts.com because they have an interesting assortment of raisins. But by all means, experiment---you will discover what you like and what you do not.