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pretty but I would have my cows in a toasty, warm barn, maybe drinkin some hot chocolate or mulled wine or something.

Just for the record, it is much healthier for cows to be outside in the weather than in a barn. I get this quite often from FB people, too, like I am abusing the animals by not cooping them up together. Quite the opposite.

We only have about an inch left on the ground, all the roads have melted. It was 47 yesterday, supposed to be about that today.
It's finally warmed up!!! The other day when we got in the car it was -44c, and that was before the windchill!!

Just for the record, it is much healthier for cows to be outside in the weather than in a barn. I get this quite often from FB people, too, like I am abusing the animals by not cooping them up together. Quite the opposite.

We only have about an inch left on the ground, all the roads have melted. It was 47 yesterday, supposed to be about that today.

I know that. I was pulling your chain. We got about 2 inches where I live northeast of Birmingham. 20 miles north of us got probably 6 to 8 inches, and some areas about 50 miles got 12 inches. Roads are clear.
The_rayway, do you have plugs on the lamposts to keep your oil in your car from becoming peanut butter? -44C hurts.

And for the not metric type -40C = -40F
Where are you at? I'll be in in Edmonton next week. Thankfully, its warmer there than it is in Pittsburgh now. Which is weird.
Ahhh, hopefully with good results if it's about the one I'm thinking of!

We brought this little beauty home for a trial period yesterday. She's a 3 year old, 130Lb Mastiff mix. Pretty sure she's mixed with a sloth, because I've never seen such a relaxed dog in my life. Perfect for our busy family!


Rae, I think you are going to be extremely happy with that new addition!!! Our oldest had a bullmastiff that was the biggest, gentlest dog I have ever seen. Very good with kids, even thou our son doesn't have any children.

She looks like she has already made a connection with your daughter.
Thanks @Julie ! I think so too. I found the two of them snuggling this morning when we woke up :) Our little guy is getting more comfortable with her and is now asking her to "come with me" wherever he goes in the house.

She's just the most wonderful dog so far!