RJ Spagnols Orange Blossom Muscat

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I just bottled this as I desperately needed a 3 gallon carboy and must say that this wine is awesome. The White Chocolate Port wasnt that good but this makes up for it, Yum! Dean, I dont know how you have managed to keep your hands off of yours for so long!
it's still in the carboy, but it's all I can do to keep my lady out of it! She keeps getting longer and longer straws...

I should really start to bottle this though. I agree, this is one awesome wine.
I will be starting this kit tomorrow. Has everyone followed instructions, or has someone made deviations. I'd be interested to hear about any deviations from instructions. At any rate, this sounds like a winner of a kit.
My only deviation was to transfer to glass before fermentation was complete.
We bottled the Orange Blossom Muscat today. Man isthis wine sweet!


Gina chose the 375 mil frosted bottles for "her" wine.


Got the kids involved



And it all turned out right nice.

I noticed Gina wasn't in any of the pictures from bottling day, then I realized she was the one cracking the whip! Should of known she out ranks all of you
Wine looks great, nice choice in bottles.
Looks like 2 beautiful women in that kitchen, are those your daughters? Did the phone ever stop ringing?
Ken, how did the Muscat turn out? This was a 3 gal kit, correct? It this a semi sweet desert wine?
Can you tell I haven't drank this type of wine? hahaha
UAV, this is a VERY sweet dessert wine, and yes it was a 3-gal batch. It turned out great.
JW, you guessed it. She was indeed cracking the whip (and running the camera) in the background.
Ken, awesome!!! You and Gina and your family have a wonderful Happy New Year!!
George stopped carrying them not to long ago but maybe if you call him he might be able to get them for you. I think he stopped as they werent big sellers.
What do you have to do to get the entire family to chip in? I can't get my 19 and 17 year old daugthers out of bed before noon. However, I did pay my oldest daughter to help me at the last bottling.(She would have asked me for spending money anyway).
Me myself, I acyually like the solace of being down there by myself, its my only alone time and I value it!
I finally started this kit tonight, my first wine of the new year. So should I call it a 2008 or 2009? In any event, the kit is extremely easy to make. My SG was 1.114. The starting juice was about 2.6 gallons. There is a large F-pack that will be added in 10-14 days.

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