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My biggest improvement was made with the purchase of a digital scale, no a little pinch here or there.
Once I calculate the gallons of must and wine based on lbs of grapes I use the mfg recommended dose. Measuring with an accurate scale makes a BIG difference. Well at least in my mind it did and the results did confirm, although I could have also just been lucky.....

The digital scale to .01 of a gram really comes in handy. Especially when I split a pack of MLB. 2.5 grams split 5 or 6 ways requires some precision.
Ditto on the enzymes and additives. I only get one shot of year and I wanna make sure that I get everything out of it.
As many of you may know, I was lucky enough to piggy-back on an order of grapes purchased by a local winery, thanks to @mainshipfred . The growing season was horrible here and a lot of places were forced to order from the west coast so they'd have something to sell down the road. We got some great grapes from Horse Heaven Hills and though they were a little pricey, I'm beside myself with excitement about getting them.

Anyway, Fred and I met on Monday to crush after he picked them up (also, we're lucky enough that this winery is just a few miles from both of us). While we were prepping, we talked about additives. I've always used Lallzyme at crush, followed by OptiRed just before pitching yeast - anywhere from 8-24 hours later. I was treating OptiRed as a fermentation tannin. Fred said he's never done that, because it isn't a tannin. So we mixed both in at crush. I totally trust Fred, but went back to my MoreWine manual to better understand what OptiRed is and sure enough, I misread something somewhere along the way. The MoreWine section on Tannins does not include OptiRed. That is mentioned separately, without talking of the need to wait. I think a few others here have done things similar to me WRT OptiRed, so I just wanted to pass this along.
I use Opti-red.
It is a yeast derivative nutrient, not a tannin.
So I use both FT Rouge and Opti-red during red fermentation. Sometimes I will use it late and not at the beginning, especially with a wine like Petite Sirah.
I use Opti-red.
It is a yeast derivative nutrient, not a tannin.
So I use both FT Rouge and Opti-red during red fermentation. Sometimes I will use it late and not at the beginning, especially with a wine like Petite Sirah.

I see that this is your first post. Welcome to WMT!