Oily film on RJS Amarone Classico

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grape juice artisan
Supporting Member
Jul 1, 2018
Reaction score
PNW - South Sound
This morning I opened up my fermentor with the RJS Amarone Classico inside engaged in a EM. I started this kit on September 29th. Gravity is down to .995 today. I did notice there is what looks like oil spots or film on top of the must.

Any idea what this could be?
No clue but I wouldn’t worry about it. Just opened a bottle of that kit from last year and it’s already my second favorite (1st is the RJS super Tuscan).
I’ve noticed a lot of views, but no additional responses. What did you do? I had a Tempranillo with some odd surface issues. I was advised to siphon, carefully, from the bottom, leaving the surface behind. I then gave it a dose of kmeta, topped off, and let it sit. That took care of the issue, and the wine was fine. Good luck.
I’ve noticed a lot of views, but no additional responses. What did you do? I had a Tempranillo with some odd surface issues. I was advised to siphon, carefully, from the bottom, leaving the surface behind. I then gave it a dose of kmeta, topped off, and let it sit. That took care of the issue, and the wine was fine. Good luck.
@Elizajean - thanks for the info. To answer your question, I haven’t done anything as of yet. Reason is, I didn’t make this kit differently from any kit I’ve ever made. This is the first time I’ve had this happen and hopefully, will amount to no consequence. But, I’ll keep you posted.
I have had this happen with many RJS kits that have the wet grape skin pack. A ring of oily substance would accumulate in the neck of the carboy. I didn't worry about it, and it would resolve itself after a few rackings during bulk aging in carboys.